My Liver Hurts, My Mouth Drools

OMG. Must. Have. This.

A product that promises to get people drunk 10 times faster without the punishment of a hangover or calories has been banned by the NSW government.

Promoted as the “ultimate party toy”, alcoholic vapour has been a huge hit in London. Once inhaled, the alcohol goes straight into the bloodstream and delivers a “hit”.

“These kind of fad products pose serious threats to the community,” Mr McBride said in a statement.

“Inhalation or snorting of alcohol is basically synonymous with drug use and that kind of practice should not be encouraged.”

FAD? … FAD?!? I’d use this thing more often than my toaster, blender, and shower put together! This stupid bastard has no idea what he’s talking about. If I could breathe liquor, I’d be like Aquaman, only far less gay. And really stinking drunk. And I wouldn’t be able to talk to fish I guess, but I’d probably think that I could, that counts for something, right?

Somebody get me the company’s phone number and a price tag. Poppa’s going shopping.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Priceit’s 3000 dollars. Sounds like the shit cuz after a nite of drinking all I can feel is the shit burning my insides. ain’t buying it anytime soon tho.

  2. FHMI read about this in a FHM from a few months back… I thought \”that’s cool\”, then noticed the ~$2500 price tag.Meh.

  3. FiguresJust as long as the Western Australian govt doesn’t do the same thing, we in Perth get shafted enough as it is.

  4. Saw This BeforeEither in Maxim, Stuff, or some other magazine I get for free until the end of time. I thought yeah right, how the hell does inhaling alcohol do anything. I will keep thinking this until I actually experience it.

  5. no needdon’t bother paying $2500-3000 for that thing. Just snort your alcohol yourself. It’s pretty easy and fucks ya right up. Our way is to pour vodka (or something else really hard) into the convex on the underside of a glass. Close one nostril and giver. That’s just our way. I’m sure there are many techniques.

  6. LOLHAHAA \”humidifier filled with everclear\” thats genius! I got a gallon one, that should fuk me up proper.

  7. Hmmmm…Humidifier filled with everclear… must do the calculations and prepare tests.I shall return with results, or missing limbs.

  8. pssh, nothing newits nothing new, if you want to inhale alcohol literally snort some of it. What happens is the alcohol is literally absorbed directly into the bloodstream through the veins in your nostrils.i’ve done it enough times with enough drinks to know that its safe, i’ve never had a hangover and it gets you drunk very fast. what me + my friends do is down a shot, then with the drop or two left in the shot glass, you pour that inot the convex at the bottom of a glass, and snort. gets you drunk at least three times as quick depending on the shot.oh, remember to have a tissue ready though, as even though the alcohol is absorbed, the rest isn’t and will drip out, which means no calories :)and one last thing– do NOT try it with tequila – you will burn the inside of your nose and not be able to breathe through your nose or smell properly for a few hours, it burns liek you wouldn’t believe

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