My Life For Aiur!

Starcraft 2 Rumors!

Daddy likes this, as long as they don’t make it too much like Warcraft 3. I kind of miss the feel of War 2 and Starcraft, so I’m hoping that they’ll give me what I want. That way I can successfully say that I completely ignored WoW because I downright refuse to install that crack on my machine.

Plus, I like to look down on WoW geeks as if they are lowlier geeks than I. No need to ruin that.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. I’m tornStarcraft being the greatest multi player game of all time, and still being a very active game on-line is a good thing. As much as I WANT to finally find another video game worth playing I don’t want the original to die. All I have to say is blizzard better not drop the ball on starcraft 2. To be honest I’m not sure if it’s even possible to make people happy with it.

  2. SC2…Well, they did a pretty good job with SC and Brood War for the expansion, so let’s hope that yes, in fact, they try NOT to screw us over with this one. I still play SC from time to time, and it rawks hardcore. Minus the little 10 year old’s with the \”noob\” crap it’s fun. And yes, I suck at it unless I play toss.

  3. Get over it SharkeyStarcraft schmarkraft. We had a meeting the other night (Bazooka Dave and Capt Terror)and decided you need to sack up and get a Xbox 360 so we can ruin your ass at Call of Duty. I’m the Juggernaut biiiiiiiiiiitch!

  4. About Fucking TimeHow many games can you honestly say taught you Korean \”kekekekeke zerg rush\”? Given its massive following, i can’t see how they could not make a sequel. Hopefully they won’t fuck it up and they keep the main characters in it (Kerrigan, Jim Raynor).Actually, given how they’re going to fuck up somehow, why not just rerelease the original game with modern graphics?

  5. wtf…The graphics for starcraft are PERFECT. I guess you could clean them up a bit, but going 3D or something would completely kill the original game.And to be blunt I doubt many bw fans give a rats ass about the single player. Sure a good single player would be nice and all, but we want a BALANCED group of races and the same high level of competition on-line. So few games are balanced and even less actually can someone play for a decade and still be far from mastering all the skills needed to be a top player.

  6. craftthe brilliance of starcraft isnt so much the balanced races as it’s that in conjuction with the absurd level of uniqueness between all of the races. Do you have any idea how hard it is to design something like that?as for going to 3d some how ruining SC, huh?

  7. it was blowPersonally I’d very much like starcraft 2 to be an AMAZING looking 2d game. I’m well aware that we’ll get stuck with a 3D game. The original works in 2D. Changing it to some modified 3D shit graphics would only hurt the original.I’ve yet to see an RTS that just worked right in 3D. A lot of them did a lot of work to create a game that didn’t look all that amazing, that barely utalized the 3D graphics and lagged up people with shitty computers (a major portion of starcraft fans) which in turn made multie player suck.Oh and I agree with uniqueness and balance that was what made the game great.

  8. GhostReminds me of Warcraft Adventures. Blizz is in my hometown, and I had a ton of friends working there when Starcraft was in development. So when War Adventures was announced, I immediately stated \”Jesus, why would Blizzard waste time and money on something so retarded?\” And all of my friends at the Blizz said that I was an idiot, that they’d figure out a way to make the game amazing. After all, they’re Blizzard. It was a fine day when they all showed up at a mutual friend’s place and asked us to keep mum on the fact that it had been cancelled due to the fact that it was a stupid idea, and shouldn’t have existed. Ghost is still on \”indefinite hold.\” At least they had the decency to say (when it was at over 90% completion mind you) that Warcraft Adventures was too shitty to put out. Kudos to Blizzard on that one.

  9. blizzard confuses meI never understood what happend with ghost. Sure it was going to be a crappy game, we all knew that from day one. Why put all that fucking time and money into something that I’m sure shooting fans would enjoy at least once through or something. Starcraft fans had pretty much stopped carring a LONG time before they gave up on it. The fucker also was suposed to be nearly 90% complete.

  10. 3dthere are plenty of RTSs that work in 3d. a half second look at my game rack comes up with homeworld and ground control as examples of games that both played well and looked amazing (and I havent been able to buy a new rts in ages due to having an old computer).Also in regards to lag, i don’t know if you played SC back when it first came out but if i remember correctly there were deffinit problems with people lagging in multiplayer due to them having shitty machines.

  11. well…I’ve played some 3D RTSs. Non of them were all that great. War3 sucks…and case and point was made with your post. Bad machines are an issue. I do’nt see a need to use top of the line graphics when it doesn’t add anything to the game play. Starcraft is STILL the gold standard all other RTSs are compared to. Very few even come close. Anyway my only real complain was with making the original in 3D. That’s like putting a black and white movie into color. It’s a fucking stupid idea.

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