My Impressions Of Scientists Has Diminished Greatly

Everybody and their brother has been sending me this link. Apparently a Swedish scientist burned his junk with his laptop while writing a report. There goes the relevancy of the ages-old addage: “It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to not burn your cock with a Dell… dude.”

Doctors are warning that laptop computers may inflict a burn even through clothed skin, after the bizarre case of a Swedish scientist who scorched his penis and testicles while writing a report in his armchair.

The unnamed 50-year-old father of two had balanced the computer on his lap while he wrote the report at home, taking about an hour to do it, according to a letter published in the next issue of the British medical weekly The Lancet.

The following day, he started to develop painful blisters on his foreskin and scrotum, which became infected but eventually cleared up without the need for antibiotics.

You’d have to wonder about the amount of usage a fellow gets out of a wang that can get so seriously injured without the guy noticing. Then again, I’m too drunk to be funny right now, so why don’t you go ahead and click on the banners I uploaded while drinking these lovely margaritas, and pretend I was so fucking hilarious that your goddamned Coke spurted out of your nose and all over your 21″ LCD flat screen monitor. I bought you that monitor by the way, so you love me more than words can say. Just remember that when your cities are burning and covered with monkey shit. Comedy gold and 21″ flat screens baby, it was all fucking worth it.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.

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