My Halo 3 Review

I’ll keep this succinct, though I’ve spent a fair amount of time with the game.

The multiplayer is fucking awesome. Awesome like when you lost your virginity in high school, and kept repeating “holy shit this is really happening!” over and over in your head as you eventually reached a tragically premature climax. It’s just that pure and excellent.

The single player campaign, however, is so fucking boring that I put all of the cutscenes on mute and watched the earlier season 3 episodes of Lost in the background. And I mean those really boring and pointless episodes, the ones that I originally got bored with and began playing video games. I’m surprised that the universe didn’t implode from that little potential paradox. Although to Bungie’s credit, at least they didn’t deliver their jerk-themselves-off ending via a giant ethereal whale who explains the story to a captive Master Chief this time around.

*Update: Bongweasel pointed me towards this review, which really says it all better than I could. Plus he has one of those grating-yet-soothing Australian accents, which just makes anything he says automatically funny.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Actually he was born in England and that’s what his accent is – English. I’m not sure what part of England though, but it’s not an Aussie accent.

    His “reviews” are fucking excellent though.

  2. Havent played it yet but I want to get and beat Bioshock first, and whatever happened to that game Spore?? That will be sweet yes, no?

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