More Than Meets The Yellow Lens Filter

Here’s the first still from the upcoming Transformers flick to feature an actual Transformer in it. Or so the folks over at Fatty’s website (AICN) claim.

Looks more like a Zerg rush to me.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. comeThe head calls itself Alaric and implores you to carry it to the remains of its body. According to Alaric’s disembodied head, its once-attached carcass now lies in a grave located near the stables of Fenris Keep. Feeling perhaps a small bit of pity for the head, you graciously decide to accept the quest and so begin the journey to the crescent-shaped Fenris Isle, located south of The Undercity, within Lake Lordamere. More servants of the Scourge have taken up camp at Fenris Keep. After battling your way to the stables, you find a shallow grave that matches the description given by Alaric, containing the remainder of his person. Delighted at the reunion, Alaric hastily reassembles his anatomy. He gives you his thanks as well as a pair of boots he declares he no longer requires. This quest is at an end, but Alaric has further use for your able body should you be willing to assist him.

  2. fucking lamelooks alot like a scene outa starship troopers to me=( i just want optimas to transform into a human from a rig just once on the live screen…all the new transformers shots ive seen look like cheap gundams spliced with a tim burton nightmare.

  3. Wah-wah-wah..Where are my 20 year old models of the Transformers? I want something that hasn’t changed since 1984.Piss and moan, blah blah blah.Do I really have to reiterate this? Ok, fine:Robots, guns, bombs, soldiers, death. What the hell else do we need to make this movie work?

  4. *****It was decent, I guess. Not that great, but not poor, either. Although there were SO many parts where it just seemed lazy. The backgrounds seem to be simply ripped from a SMW guide book or something. They are the same levels but you can’t interact with ANYTHING. No pipes to go down, no areas to access. You can’t even hit the blocks.The game is also ridiculously ridiculously EASY. Only three short levels of enemies that offer little to no resistance (Besides Koopas that shoot in level three, but they are also incredibly easy to defeat as their shots are few and rarely affect you.)The game offers practically no challenge and is over in about 3 minutes. The lowest my health meter went down at any time was down to about 75%. There’s no difficulty and no balance to the gameplay. No offence, but it’s a little hard to believe this was worked on for 5 months, becuase it looks like nearly 1 month was put into it off and on, and then the project got boring so you quit after three levels. That’s what it seems like.The music was pretty good, and probably the one area where it looks like attention was put into the game (Besides Mario jumping and giving the later enemies in the 3rd level some kind of AI to their shooting patterns) If there’s one reason to play this game, it’s to listen to the good music, and probably shoot a koopa or two if you’re into that. Otherwsie, there’s practically no real gameplay and it’s over in about 2 or 3 minutes at the most. Then… it aburptly ends. No real exploration.. you just move forward, shoot things that offer hardly any resistance, and that’s it. If anyone ever dies (Or even gets their health down to 60%) then that person must be a 4 year old who didn’t read the instructions, pretty much. It’s the only way to lose this \”game\”For a sequel.. especially an anticipated sequel, I would hope that the game would overall be better than this. MUCH MUCH MUCH better than this. I don’t think it’s exactly \”poor\” so I can’t just write it off becuase that would be just insulting. There was some work put into this, that I can see. There just didn’t seem to be very much of it.If there’s a third game sometime, I hope it’s probably a helluva lot better than this. No offence, just calling it how I see it. Later.

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