More barren than Calista Flockhart’s shriveled womb.

I am completely and utterly devoid of any creative ability. Not just now, but always.

So I’ll just have to rip off someone else’s clever bleatings. Clever bleatings which were in turn ripped off from a forum. And then ripped off by Fark. And what’s more, I’ll rip it off second-hand from Fark!

300+ proofs of God to warm an atheist’s heart.

(1) No sane person could have thought up Christianity
(2) Therefore, it must be true
(3) Therefore, God exists

You all can bitch at Sharkey for leaving so much blank space in the quote box. And he will go and kill some of the monkeys at their keyboards for failing to pound out Shakespeare-worthy CSS HTML formatting.

Sometimes investing in headline stock at Fark pays comedy gold dividends.

So fuck you all.

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