MoFo Mailbag

Been awhile since ol’ Sharkey has dipped into the mailbag. Let’s have a look at what you kiddies have to offer this week. Observe and learn a thing or two… or get dumber. That’s the risk you take, baby.

From: Dipshit

So, you don’t like barefeet of dudes that do huh. Well go phuk yourself low-life and get off my planet. Im a 22yo hot white guy, and my boyfriend Chad is 17 and we smell and lick each others barefeet each and every day all day long………aint notin wrong with it dude. so get a frickin life ya looser.

Don’t bother wastin yer time to rigte back, this is a hacked account with a virus attached that is already in your system and won’t open til I tell it to open.

Friggen looser.

I don’t appreciate bare feet of damn near everybody. But that’s just because feet freak this Mofo out. I don’t care where you stick Chad’s “big toe”, just don’t tell me about it, alright? It’s just bad form, old chap. And by the way, it’s my planet. You just have the luxury of turd-burgling your way across it at the moment. Next letter, mister Daniels!

From: Christopher

should a guy ever get a tounge ring to please his woman??

Good question my fellow MoFo, because you should ALWAYS be willing to consider options to pleasing your woman. However, you should always keep in the back of your mind this one nagging thought: “women are the devil.”

As true today, as it was when Adam figured it out on his own. If the woman isn’t willing to please you with some wang mouthification of extroardinary magnitude, why should you even bother wasting your time getting her engine revved? Lemme put it to you this way, young MoFo: If you can get her rocks off already, then the tongue hole is not a necessity. Especially if she’s not going that extra mile to make sure that your wang is sufficiently pleased. If she is, then please, by all means, do whatever it takes to please her. She’s one of God’s chosen children, and should be treated like the delicate wang-happifying flower that she is.

Maybe I should put it into plain English, as I am a bit drunk: “If she makes your wang happy, make her happy. If she doesnt, fuck the bitch, videotape it, and send it to me.”

I’m a tad bit beyond inebriated right now, so I will forgo the normal third e-mail and let you continue with your day. In case you didn’t notice, the Olsen twins are right below this post. You do have a penis, don’t you?

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Vaginasounds to me like the first guy wanted to be born with a vagina……or maybe he was.i know people are dumb…..but that guy takes the fuckin cake….all of it….up his ass….uhh yeapeace

  2. yeahHey, you know what would be cool. If you actually responded to email too. Its fucking gay of you to ignore people.

  3. hey i DO have a penis!i just had to move all the flab out of the way to see it! Good to see you old friend, good to see you.Hey look! The two hottest minors on earth! Excuse me boys, im going to go..erm. get reaquainted with my dear old friend here.

  4. Tongue RingI got one outa bordom…Hurt like a bitch for a few days.Then I bought a vibrating tongue ring.My curent GF loves it.

  5. To quote Chris Rock:\”If a girl has a tongue ring she will probobly suck your dick. If a guy has a tongue ring he will probobly suck your dick.\”

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