Mmmm… Evil

Kudos to Circuit City. If that isn’t sticking it to your customers with something rusty and sharp, I don’t know what is.

You’ve gotta appreciate evil deeds such as these, they must have a collective set of corporate balls the respective sizes of Harry Knowles and Hugo from “Lost.” One is always bigger than the other, you know.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. xbox shitit’s for assholes that don’t read and are too dumb to check up on a deal. condsider it a fucktard tax.

  2. *Sigh*I’ve been over this elsewhere…it’s basically an installation deal for people that don’t have internet access to update their system. They do similar things for people who buy PCs and are too lazy to install Norton and set up Windows themselves. How this is any different I’m not sure.While the sign may be incorrect (not EVERY game is HD compatible…only those programmed that way…and yes, some of them were) on some terms, the main point is that they’re trying to let people know you can play more than 360 games on it. If they can make a few extra bucks along the way, kudos to them.The rest of that article is hilarious to me as well. \”This unscrupulous retailer is trying to convince customers, who sadly do not know better, that this is a service they need—much like extended warranties and aftercare.\” I’m on my second 360, and it’s starting to act up. Extended warranties and \”aftercare\” ARE pretty necessary with this system. \”Backward compatibility isn’t even something that Circuit City can really install! I guess they can, but it updates over Xbox Live. And if you don’t have an internet connection, Microsoft will happily send you the backward compatibility software, which users can easily install themselves.\” And if you don’t have internet access, how is it that you’re learning this? Not everyone that has a 360 has 80 friends that have already been through all the online forums and happen to \”know a guy that knows a guy that worked at M$ a few years back\”. This is the kind of \”journalism\” that prevented me from using the internet as credible sources in school. The fact that Sharkey is helping spread it makes me sad.(And for those of you wondering, no, I don’t work for Circuit City. I actually work for Best Buy…this is just a bit rediculous to me)

  3. re: CaptainSpiffyPantsI think it’s perfectly fine the way they write that article. Honestly, there’s nothing wrong with the writer. The fact that circuit city is offering something like that is fucking retarded, and should be pointed out.\”And if you don’t have internet access, how is it that you’re learning this? Not everyone that has a 360 has 80 friends that have already been through all the online forums and happen to \”know a guy that knows a guy that worked at M$ a few years back\”.\”What? Who the fuck doesn’t have internet access and who the hell doesn’t have internet access AND have no friends? That’s such a fucking low probability. The people you refer to are grandparents whose friends have all died and are too old to learn anything new and want to buy their grandson jimmy a present, but here comes Circuit City, ready to take advantage of em.It’s like paying someone to tell you if you can wear pants.By the way, no, you can’t wear any.

  4. actually…You just confuse me to hell, and I’ve lost all sight of your point. Now you made my post look irrelevant.In any case, you are not allowed to wear pants.

  5. pc retailers povWell, we charge people here to install stuff when they don’t know how to do it themselves. I will charge my customer for my time, I am not here to work for free. If someone needs something installed and checked out to ensure compatibility I’m going to charge them about 25 bucks but I’m also going to guarantee it’s gonna work. Do you guys think Circuit City should be doing this for free?! Hell no, it’s a business they have to run not a non-profit tech support store. If you can figure out how to do it yourself or have a friend that can then do it, otherwise pay up for the time you are taking away from the company you are buying your product from. There is nothing wrong with offering a service that takes time to complete and charging people for it. The ideal goal for most companies is to have employees bring in at least 5 times in profit in what they are getting payed for. Otherwise, you make little to no money.

  6. in their defense..Alright, Im a CC employee, but also a life long BAMF, so hear me out. I am definately not a corporate ass kisser, I just think this has been misinterpreted. First of all, that sign is not issued by the corporate office. That was obviously created by a technician at the work bench. In fact, if word of these articles reaches corportate, the sign will probably be down the next time you go in. This is not a nationwide promotion or one I have ever heard of in any other store. There is no SKU for \”xBox 360 Setup\”. More than likely, the technician charges a dummy sku or a half hour labor. Secondly, if the service is in demand, why not offer it? For example, in my store, we have a great deal of customers who come in looking for a way to play their old hi-8 or vhc-s tapes on new devices. Rather than have them buy a new camcorder, we offer tape transfers. For roughly $20, we will turn pretty much any tape into a DVD. The service sells, we transfer probably 10-15 a week. The point is, although this is a task that is easily accomplished, if it is in demand and customers are asking for it, we will do it. I doubt this is a scheme thought up by some crooked employee, more than likely an attempt to respond to customer’s demand. We’re not always evil. Most people I have worked with love our customers and are very willing to help. Thanks ZooL

  7. Ralph = tardThank you for completely ignoring the main points of my response. In response to you, I know plenty of people who don’t have internet access that wouldn’t know otherwise. And I didn’t say people didn’t have friends…I said some of them don’t have friends who have a 360. Without a 360, would you spend a lot of time looking up information on it’s backwards compatibility? Chances are that you wouldn’t, unless it was part of your job. Just because you spend your life in your basement spanking it to D&D forums doesn’t mean everyone else is totally in love with the internet.

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