Mistaken identity

So when I get on my work computer this morning, I’m greeted by my personalized Yahoo page. At the top is the “lead photo”. In it is a picture of 5 men, and the story saying FBI Alert for 5 Men Reportedly Based on Hoax. I thought I recognized something, so I clicked on the story.

The man on the top right is the same man as mentioned in this story. I know there’s no picture there now, but trust me.

Now what gets me is, there’s NO mention of this mistake in the lead story today. None. Just that the photos are a hoax. I’m no bleeding heart, but I’ve got to agree with a quote out of the second story… “The American government and the FBI should apologize to him.” And we should. Because that’s what we tell our children to do on the playground when they make a mistake and accidentally knock another kid down. But you think an apology is beneath us when we accidentally plaster an innocent man’s face across the world? I’ll never understand right-wing idiots (not that the left is much better).

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