Mid-Albertsons Pondering

So I’m in the checkout line getting ready to purchase my laundry detergent, comestibles, and a couple of those Krispy Kreme doughnuts (fuckers get me every time) and the chick in front of me is a cute lil’ asian with a couple of juice bottles. I notice as she picks up one of those weekly horoscope booklets that they put out specific to your birth sign or whatever. Personally I couldn’t give a shit what my sign is, I only know it so I can spew it out whenever a girl asks because they seem to believe that shit has something to do with whether or not you are someday “marriage material”, which is the magical key into their pants, no matter what they say.

So back to the story. As I sit and ponder why the stupid fuck in the front who can’t figure out the credit card machine isn’t already dead, cremated, and fed to the rest of us via SPAM, I notice out of the corner of my eye that the lil’ asian cutie is getting a little shifty. She looks left. She looks right. She looks straight up as she deposits said horoscope book right into her purse.

A trifle baffling to me, as I would imagine that the whole “horoscope” bullshit would carry with it some semblence of karma. How exactly do you put so much faith into that superstitious crap that you feel the need to shoplift a 99 cent booklet? That’s kind of like stealing a bible, I think somewhere along the line it’s going to bite you in the ass, provided that you have chosen the right path.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Ha!You shoulda stopped her out by her ride and told her you were \”security\” and frisked her.

  2. yeah..I’ve learned that all asian girls are a little neurotic like that.. It must be something in the genes.. It’s usually harmless.

  3. I am not a kleptoI have myy own horoscope books hat I paid for thank you and Sharkey would have said Peaches stole that. he knows me irl. Yes I am asian

  4. All of em All those chicks that love that stuff are a little bit crazy. The pre-teen girls walking around with their Aries t-shirts, what a mess the world is.

  5. Peaches IS asiani can see where you’d be confused though, as she spells like a drunken irishman. easy mistake

  6. AlbertsonsHey its all good even asian need free stuff every once in a while, besides albertsons sux ass!

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