Michael Vick Don’t Kiss…

Michael Vick Caught At Airport With Mary Jane

FLOWERY BRANCH, Ga. — For the second time in three months, Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick is making headlines for all the wrong reasons.

Vick reluctantly surrendered a water bottle to security at Miami International Airport that smelled like marijuana and contained a substance in a hidden compartment. He was not arrested and was allowed to board an AirTran flight that landed in Atlanta before noon Wednesday.

Sweet mother of God, you’ve got the money to have it fucking FedExed to yourself overnight, even ahead of time. God only knows, your agent can handle getting some underling to buy it, strap it to himself, and drive to wherever the fuck you’re going two days ahead of time, just so you can have it in the limo on the way back from the airport. Are you seriously telling me that you can’t just have this accomplished for you, rather than risking your image and potential legal problems just to smuggle a little bit of pot onto a plane?

Someone’s been sacked a few too many times.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. 45 times this year, to be exact.

    This isn’t as bad as Stoudamire (sp?) wrapping up a half ounce in FUCKING TINFOIL and trying to make his way through the airport, but it’s close. Seriously, these athletes have thousands of current and would-be suck ups and sicophants who would take a bullet for them. I’m sure they wouldn’t think twice about transporting a little hippie lettuce here and there.

  2. Seriously, he’s flying to fucking “hot”-lanta…..the nubian promised-land. Like there’s no pot to be found in Atlanta. Fucking moron. Apparently, he’s as dumb in real life as he is on the football field.

    Wrapped-up pot in tin-foil, huh? Yeah, that’ll hide nicely from the metal detector. And these are the same assholes who get paid millions of dollars to play a game. Incredible.

  3. In 2003, a young girl named Jenn was walking down a river, an insane man killed her by stabbing her in the back, raping her, and then hanging her in his closet. While he hanged her he said Bukakke Bukkake.
    Now that you have read this message, she will find you and her dead body will haunt your house for 5 years. Every night you go to sleep she will appear in your closet, hanging their with her glowing red eyes.
    repost 3 times to be saved.

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