Metal Slug Collection!

Holy sweet Christmas, they’re putting out the Metal Slug Collection on PSP! I’m very excited in the pantular area.

SNK Playmore USA Corporation announced today that in celebration of the 10th Anniversary of their classic arcade franchise, Metal Slug, they will be releasing the greatest array of Metal Slug titles ever assembled for the PSP system in fall 2006. The Metal Slug Collection will feature six great Metal Slug titles from the past on one UMD. Included in the collection will be Metal Slug, Metal Slug 2, Metal Slug X, Metal Slug 3, Metal Slug 4, and Metal Slug 5.

The Metal Slug Collection will be perfect translations of the arcade classics and feature Wireless support for intense two-player action.

Good God, I need to get to fucking sleep.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.

1 comment

  1. Oh. My. God.Thank you for this news, I’ve been on a metal slug bender lately. My PSP will be begging me to stop. Fucking awesome!

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