Maybe It Will Be Better Than Spidey 2

The Spider-Man 3 trailer.

So wait… The Sandman killed Ben Parker now? How many fucking liberties is Raimi going to take with this shit? I was in the first Goddamned movie, I refuse to allow him to sully the rest of the series.

My girlfriend is mad at me for hating Spidey 2. But she’s a woman, what the fuck do they know?

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. pretty lame for…for hardcore comic nerds i’m sure this is a big deal. the rest of us just want to see a good movie and could really care less how true it is to the comic.

  2. Maybe it’s mebut wasn’t the whole thing was flawed from the start? I don’t remember Spiderman being a senior in high school when he got his powers. Parker always seemed older.Doesn’t Stan Lee sign off on scripts before they start shooting?I thought the 2nd was better than the first, personally, but I wasn’t a comic nut. I just watched the cartoon and the live action TV show back in the day.The trailer looks good…..but then again, they all look good.

  3. What?Yes, Peter was pretty young when he got bit by the spider. The whole high school hero thing was a major part of the original story. Stan Lee appears to be a whore, he signs off on anything.

  4. so…so does spidey magically create the symbiote out of nowhere or something? seems like a sure sign we won’t see venom in any future movies.

  5. eh…Never read the comic and honestly sometimes it’s more fun when they change things up to make it differnt on the big screen. It keeps people guessing. Though I definately won’t be paying to see it in theaters just like every other movie made in the last decade. Paying to see movies is just silly.

  6. re: jowjow: now you’re just being retarded. there is absolutly no reason to introduce the symbiote if venom isnt going to show up at some point in the future.

  7. HmmmLooks like another cock gobbler is trying to wreck your server. What the hell is wrong with these dumb motherfuckers?

  8. Why do I remember?Yeah, him, boltboy and some others were the guys holding the \”Kill Him!\” signs during the wrestling match.Remembering that is proof that I need to drink more.

  9. !@#@#The horrifying Undead army called the Scourge consists of thousands of walking corpses, disembodied spirits, damned mortal men and insidious extra-dimensional entities

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