May I Tage Yoah Oder?

Went to El Pollo Loco last night for a delicious burrito, and was quite pleased to find that my drive-thru teller was a Mexican midget. I was not so pleased to find that this drive-thru was the kind where the curb is inconveniently placed a bit too far from the window, causing you to grind your tires against the concrete so that you don’t have to take off your seatbelt in order to grab your change and food. Now imagine that with those stubby little midget arms.

It was really, really, really hard not to laugh when the little guy was dangling the majority of his body out that window.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Classic!I despise camera/video phones, but if you would’ve got a shot of that I would take it all back. I thought that dude was hanging out with the Red Sox.

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