Mama… Mama I’m Comin’ Hooooome

Sharkey’s 360 is on its way home

Oh Xbox, thank God it’s you, thank God. Xbox, I’ve been here so long I’m hallucinating! For awhile I thought the Care Bears were here! Farm animals… geese, chickens…

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Wow, those cock gobblers in Redmond sure do take their sweet time turning shit around, don’t they? Of course, I can’t really blame the redmond campus as Microsoft doesn’t “produce” anything. Some no-name sweat-shop in Outer Mongolia is probably where all the failing xboxes go to get fixed.

    Here’s to hoping that Rev.2 lasts longer than Rev.1.

  2. dont get too excited yet sharkey, when i got my first RROD box back the damn cd drive wouldnt open so i had to send it in again. best of luck to you!

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