Lucas Stops Raping Film, Aims Dick At TV

George Lucas seems to think that he’s got the answer to the movie industry’s woes: quitting it altogether. Although he is correct, I’m afraid his heart just isn’t in the right place. See, as opposed to realizing that he’s lost his fucking marbles and just can’t cut it as a creative force, he just merrily comes to the conclusion that the film industry as it stands is doomed.

George Lucas has a message for studios that are cutting their slates and shifting toward big-budget tentpoles and franchises: You’ve got it all wrong.

The creator of “Star Wars,” which stamped the template for the franchise-tentpole film, says many small films and Web distribution are the future.

“We don’t want to make movies. We’re about to get into television. As far as Lucasfilm is concerned, we’ve moved away from the feature film thing because it’s too expensive and it’s too risky.

“I think the secret to the future is quantity,” Lucas said.

Quantity. Yes. Kind of like the latest Star Wars trilogy, where you gave us massive quantities of suck dusted with a few sprinkles of quality glaze. If you can’t even mildly entertain me with a lightsaber battle, you have officially failed at life. I can’t wait to see what horrors he puts the franchise through on the small screen. Considering the Star Wars Christmas special, and the made-for-TV Ewok films, I’m so fucking excited I could shit another prequel.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Huh?I thought he wasn’t going to have anything to do with the TV stuff, aside from letting it happen. If he’s actually involved in the production then it’s doomed.

  2. Sure…..Just like he was only supposed to only direct Episode 1 and leave 2 and 3 to somebody else.Come on now. He’s got 20+ years of people telling him his moviemaking shit doesn’t stink , and another gazillion dollars from the Prequel clusterfuck. The fat SOB has a long way to go before he comes back to reality. Like Tom Cruise.That said, I guess Lucasfilm isn’t doing the next Indiana Jones debacle. Doesn’t matter, Spielberg will explore new ways to fuck up that one too. He and Lucas both suck equal amounts of cock at this point.

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