Lower Those Expectations Folks

Hey, that new Indiana Jones flick sure sounds like it could be mildly decent, right? Right? Well, not so much.

“We’re basically going to do The Phantom Menace”, says Lucas (stay with him here, he’s making a point). “People’s expectations are way higher than you can deliver. You could just get killed for the whole thing…We would do it for fun and just take the hit with the critics and the fans…But nobody wants to get into it unless they are really happy with it”.

…yeah. Or you could just make something decent. Since not one five minute span was decent in the entirety of the new Star Wars trilogy, I’d say that the guy is really attempting to lower our standards on this one. Basically, he’s going to make Indy incessantly whine about sand snakes and he’ll decide to take the path of evil because… well, he had some nightmares.

Nazi nightmares.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. what an assI love how George Lucas’ out for why nobody liked the new Star Wars trilogy is him basicaly saying \”it’s not me, it’s everybody else\”.

  2. Also…The Maul/Obi/Qui-Gon saber fest was pretty damn cool, too. In fact I’d put that in my short list of all time favorite Star Wars moments.

  3. Lest we forget….The real reason why the original Star Wars trilogy became legendary was simply the fact that Lucas didn’t direct Empire or Jedi. It might have been his story, but those two movies were the vision of somebody else.Had he directed all of the original three, they would have been considered as mediocre as the Star Trek flicks.

  4. whinerssharkey whines about everything before it comes out, why bash a movie a year before its even started..

  5. LiteracyI’m not bashing it, Lucas bashed it. He said \”it wont meet fans expectations.\” I commented on his idiocy. Reading comprehension is apparently not a high priority for the educational system in your area.

  6. Yeah Skam….butI agree, Ep 4 was good. But how many sequels do you know of that outshine the original? What made the original trilogy good was…- Classic storyline- You cared about the characters- Technologically advanced (for 1977)- Actors had chemistry – Had a little something for everyoneI probably missed a few, but you all can fill in the blanks. I didn’t major in film making, I just know what I like. And Jedi was a good movie until the Ewoks showed up, but even with their introduction it still holds up.My biggest problem with the new trilogy was lack of story. Regardless of Jar-Jar, the horrible acting, over the top effects, shitty love scenes, retarded droid army, Anakin being a whiney little puss, and Lucas claiming it’s just a kids movie; the whole friggin story was just stupid. The only redeeming quality of the whole series was Ewan Macgregor…..and Natalie Portmans headlights in Ep2. Guess Lucas didn’t want her wearing underwear either.Funny part is I remember walking out of the theater after Ep1 thinking it was a good movie. Then the novelty wore off and I realized that this movie actually sucked balls.But this is all just me, what do I know. Sorry for the long rant. SW is still a sore subject.

  7. Nope.Watch eps IV-VI and count the number of good jokes that entered the public consciousness (scruffy looking nerf-herder et al).Now count the number of good jokes in I-III. Can’t find them either?That’s what i thought.

  8. Ooo…I got one\”YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO DESTROY THE SITH, NOT JOIN THEM!!!!\”……wait…..that wasn’t a joke?

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