Lost Finale

So they give us one fucking answer, and 80 freaking new questions.

So… so angry.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. De plane, de plane…The season finale makes me glad I haven’t been watching regularly. Apparently, I didn’t miss much.

  2. And that’s why…..I never watch primetime tv aside from LNO.No Lost, no 24, nothing that can’t be resolved in 1 hour, 2 at most.I’ll get the DVDs later, when I can get all the answers in a week.

  3. could be worseYou could have watched Alias for 5 years and got no answer to the one question that right through the series. As JJ Abrhams is making both series I am getting the nasty feeling that Lost is going to screw us over as well and not actually give people the answers they have waited years for.

  4. TV = badThings on TV worth watching:The Simpsons, Family Guy (which is, sadly, not getting funnier), American Dad (which has been suprisingly funny this 2nd time around), and hockey. Anything else is a waste of time, especially with bad actors and horrible scripts.But hey, what the fuck do I know?

  5. Er……wow, Lost introduces even more fucking questions. What were the odds? I mean, it’s not like it’s already scraping the bottom of the cliche-barrel, right? When the Lord Of The Flies references failed, they turned to X-Files, King Kong… anything to get more plot twists!I’ll admit I haven’t seen a single second of this series, and that all my assumptions above are based on previews and promos alone. I don’t intend to watch it either though, again based on the same promos and previews. Have they found Jimmy Hoffa on that island yet? It’s about the only thing they have left to chuck on there, I think.

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