Look at me, I’m stealing from Slashdot…

We all love when little kids say the darndest things about getting married or what mommy is doing with the mailman after daddy leaves for work, but what about their thoughts on old videogames?

Garret: That’s not Tyson. Are you kidding me? Mike Tyson does not have a handlebar mustache, and he’s not white.

EGM: So those are the two things that make you think that’s not Tyson?

Garret: Yeah, plus he’s wearing pants.

Oh that Garret, what a character. He also thinks that Mike Tyson is bad publicity for the game ‘Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out’.

Dillon: And to think 20 years from now, people are going to think, “Oh, you’re playing [GameCube Zelda game] Wind Waker? That’s boring.”

EGM: What will you say when your kids say Wind Waker looks boring?

Parker: Get out of my house. You’re out of my will.

And I thought the older generation today had a certain distaste for kids who do not respect the old school games. Shit, Parker is already kicking his unborn children out of his will and his house, and he’s only 11.

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