Live tv can provide so much fun

So, Ashlee Simpson‘s debacle on SNL this weekend seems to be the big talk of the day ’round these parts of the Internet.

And, being as how I am your musical maestro ’round here at the MoFo, I figured I’d hook you all up with some clips of the incident, as well as young Miss Simpson’s excuse at the close of the broadcast.

It’s pretty goddamn funny, being as how her band just keeps playing after she walks offstage. They’re pretty damn good, which makes her lameass excuse following the whole thing pretty sad indeed.. Evidently, according to Ashlee, her band “started playing the wrong song”, so she figured she’d do a little hoedown. Right… so, that’s the reason your voice started coming out of nowhere, when the mic was nowhere near your mouth? Nice evasion, girl.

Categorized as Music

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