Little Test

What with all of the SPAM and files that go through my system, I have to format a couple of times per year, minimum. This latest time, I figured since I was getting a new hard drive, I may as well let the viruses wreak havoc on my files for a couple of weeks without NAV to protect it. Now that my new HD is installed and Norton Antivirus is up and running, I ran a simple scan of the system. Here’s what the results were:

This is the day the viruses have their piiiiic-nic!

Christ almighty, not only did it take an hour to scan 40 gigs of who knows what, but it had more viruses than a tiajuana whorehouse. Looks like it’s time to put a rubber on my computer before I go surfing for pr0n.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


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