Lisa, I’d Like To Buy Your Rock

[ $300 Sticker Improves Your Mileage ]

The fuel disc is a quarter-size piece of plastic. Its promoter, OceanCity Network of Thousand Oaks, Calif., is advising its network of salespeople to stock up on the stickers.

They retail for $299 each but are discounted for people who persuade others to sell them. Upper-level members – one of whom is based in Boulder – have to buy a minimum of 10 SmogBusters for about $1,400.

“It’s clear that it’s just a sticker and nothing else,” Dane said.

If any ladies out there have purchased this, I’d like to get you in on the ground floor of my new business venture. My semen is an anti-aging cream. Come down to my office today, and try a free sample straight from the tap!

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Reminds meThis broad at work has a mercedes, one of the new ones that doesn’t have a dipstick for the’s all computerized. Well the chick needed oil so she buys some. Doessn’t know if it’s synthetic or not… can’t get the cap off of the oil so guess what the dumb broad does?You guessed right if you said she put in oil in the first cap she could open. And guess where that was? Her power steering fluid.Tow truck and $80 later to get it flushed.

  2. People! Are! Stupid! yaaaaaay!!!!!Wow, this guy’s like the person who decided to put water in bottles and sell it to people. Should get an award or medel or something for taking advantage of people’s stupidity….

  3. I may regret thisBut I’d have to argue that bottled water is a good innovation. I mean, what do you do if you’re snowed in.. or if you’re camping? What happens if you have to sit in your basement during a tornado or hurricane? I don’t have any right now… but I’m one of those nerds with the emergency kits- flashlights, batteries, food packages that don’t go bad, knives, matches, bottled water, etc. Course, if I’d stop eating the stuff when I’m loaded , I’ll be safe!=

  4. heyWhat do you do if you are camping? Have you never heard of igloo bitch? Put that shit in a cooler and get campin! Save yourself some money mr. practical.

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