
What with the server moves and stuff, I’ve been a busy son of a bitch this week. And I’m not even close to down with the BAMF server move, so my weekend looks action packed. Somebody point me towards the nearest gun store so I can pack my “action” with a round of hollow points.

Bitching aside, here’s a few links that I need to hip you to:

  • Solosier is back. It’s also his birthday, so go spank him.
  • Ramblings is back. Sort of.
  • NY Hotties is a site run by Alexa, who hit me up for a link last month and got hosed by my complete inability to take 45 seconds out of my day to update the left navigation of this site. Problem solved though, so go show her some love. Her stories are pretty funny.
  • Find me a girl who can appreciate this shirt and I’ll show you one of three things: an ugly girl, a blogger with some portion of a brain, or a combination of the previous two. Either way, I’m not opening my wallet to give her this.

Yikes. Better get some pie up here, fast. I’ve got a reputation to uphold.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. ReplyHah, I use to play cs with Solosier and {BlitZ} back on Solostrike. I started reading his site and that’s how I found out about yours.So, in short I’ve been reading your site for too god damn long. (4 years?) Hell, I remember when your funny video links worked.

  2. hot damn!It’s like it’s 2000 again!Maybe I’ll start my old \”Web Dominion\” site back up; hopefully better now that I’ve been out of high school. Jeez.

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