Like The Cat Lady, Only Vehicular Homicide Lady

Somebody really hates getting a ding in her Ford Explorer.

A woman ran over two teenage brothers after they accidentally hit her sport utility vehicle with the golf ball they were bouncing in a parking lot, officials said, leaving one of the boys with life-threatening injuries.

Suchy said no damage was done, and the boys apologized and began to walk away. Allen started to drive away, but suddenly made a U-turn, ran over a median and struck Grayer, causing severe injuries, and Justin Marshman before knocking over a light pole, Suchy said.

She then drove after Jamel Marshman, crossing two medians and striking a utility box before her SUV stopped in a ditch, Suchy said. The boy ran away and was not struck.

There’s also a CNN story about it, discussing the possibility of mental illness. Big surprise.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.

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