Like Couch Fishing, But For Pedophiles

Note to perverts who want to peep in underage girl’s shower windows: in the future, remember to bring your own chair. Or, if you don’t feel ridiculous enough, try one of those periscopes that they sell at Imaginarium.

USA TODAY — WICHITA, Kan. — father used fishing line to catch a man he suspected of spying on his daughters. The 37-year-old husband and father identified himself only as Brian because he doesn’t want to bring attention to his daughters. Brian’s wife had noticed that a backyard chair kept being moved under a bathroom window overnight. Soon the couple was convinced someone was watching their girls – ages 6 and 15 – while they showered. Brian, a hunter and fisherman, took a spool of fishing line, tied one end to the leg of the chair, snaked the fishing line into the house, and left the spool on the kitchen counter. With his 6-year-old daughter in the bathroom one night last week, he got a bite. The spool fell off the counter and began unraveling. Brian stepped forward and ordered the man to lie down while his wife called police. The 31-year-old man, who turned out to live a few houses away, was taken to the Sedgwick County Jail.

Hmm… caught while looking at the six-year-old, eh? And I haven’t heard any shit from KLFJoat about revoking his Main Page access in weeks. And isn’t Kansas where estranged underage Mofemme Mooch lives?

*puts two and two together*

I’m not sayin’ anything, especially since I’d rather not be subpoenaed to appear at his trial as a character witness.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.

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