Like A Sickening Thud Of Christmas Joy

I popped up a new logo, my first attempt at digitally inking a sketch from my new scanner. Not too bad, although Sharkey turned out looking slightly Gabe-esque from PA. Oh well, maybe I’ll use a different line thickness next time. Anyone who has some links or tips on photoshop inking, let me know. I’m always interested in different ‘shop techniques.

Oh, and just in case you hadn’t heard, the whiny little prick from Oasis just got his fucking teeth knocked out. It really is beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

Liam Gallagher, wild-man vocalist of British rock band Oasis detained after a brawl in a five-star Munich hotel at the weekend, has been freed from jail after posting bail of more than $100,000, police said Monday.

Gallagher, 30, lost several teeth in the punch-out, the latest in a string of misadventures for the singer, noted for reviving Britain’s tradition of rock ‘n’ roll.

After the brawl, lil’ Liam decided it would be prudent to kick a police officer “full-force” in the ribs. Apparently album sales weren’t doing too well, and the record label felt that for each ass-kicking, another 100K would sell. If this is the case, I personally support this theory. In fact, if they publish a video of the chump losing his chompers on one of those interactive CDs, I’d buy it just to show my love of this idea. I even have a list of celebrities who I think should participate in this plan, right from the get-go. Start with Liam, work your way to Michael, and make sure to get Rod Stewart as you go.

Any ideas on a name for this brilliant advertising scheme? How about “Punch Your Teeth Down Your Talentless Throat Marketing”? Has a nice ring to it. It’s context can easily apply to movies and commercial advertisements as well. Barbara Streisand movie producers and Dell execs, I’m talking to you.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.

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