Like A Secondary Virgin

You know there’s something wrong when fucking Madonna casts aspersions on your virtue.


Madonna‘s devotion to the Kabbalah was behind her decision to fire her long-term manager Caresse Henry, after discovering Henry was having an affair with a bodyguard. The “Like A Virgin” singer was reportedly shocked that Henry, who had also converted to the mystical offshoot of Judaism, had broken one of the religion’s strictest teachings – faithfulness. Henry had a partner back in America, while security man Ricky Dallanegra lived with his girlfriend in London. They have since become a couple after leaving their respective partners. Madonna sought the advice of her rabbi on the matter when she learned of the romance during this summer’s Re-invention tour, before deciding to follow the Kabbalah practices and disown Henry. An insider tells British newspaper The Sun, “Madonna and Guy are deeply committed to their Kabbalah faith which preaches monogamy and faithfulness. It’s ironic, because Madonna used to eat men for breakfast. Now’s she’s a married mother and Kabbalist, she believes cheating is a serious sin. “When she found out her manager was having an affair with her own bodyguard she was devastated. Madonna had a huge falling out with Caresse and said she couldn’t possibly work with her any more.”


Jesus, if that isn’t the pot calling the kettle slut, I don’t know what is.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Usage Note: There are no less than two dozen variant spellings of kabbalah, the most common of which include kabbalah, kabala, kabalah, qabalah, qabala, cabala, cabbala, kaballah, kabbala, kaballah, and qabbalah. This sort of confusion is frequently seen with Hebrew and Arabic words borrowed into English because there exist several different systems of transliterating the Hebrew and Arabic alphabets into Roman letters. Often a more exact or scholarly transliteration, such as Qur’an, will coexist alongside a spelling that has been heavily Anglicized (Koran). The fact that the Hebrew and Arabic alphabets do not as a rule indicate short vowels or the doubling of consonants compounds the difficulties. Spellings of kabbalah with one or two b’s are equally “correct,” insofar as the single b accurately reproduces the spelling of the Hebrew, while the double b represents the fact that it was once pronounced with a double b.Bet Mad’donna doesn’t know that.-R

  2. Take it from a lifetime member of the Bible Belt…Religion is all about social standards. I go to church to thank God for the tail I’m gonna get from this chick in front of me with the \”formal wear\” that shows her lack of underwear when she kneels down to pray. Some people probably believe, its true. But most don’t, which is also true.

  3. gdi sharkeyeither burn the old sections of the site or update them please. u need staffers to do movie reviews? pick them out of the forums FFS, theres tons of people to do reviews. i want active movie/book reviews and i want them now.

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