Liberals, Start Your Tear Ducts

New action set from Mattel. Weapons of mass destruction not included.Hey look, a couple of murderous cockbiters got what they deserved!

Hey look, a bunch of crybabies doing what they do best!

Soldier’s Response To Incessant Blubbering: “So sorry we couldn’t catch them alive for you, stereotypical liberal-guy. We tried bribing them with a bouqet and some candy, but they were too busy trying to fucking kill us to listen to reason. “

We’re a nation filled with people who like to laugh at the misforutune of others, yet you’re shocked and outraged when we poke fun at the deaths of child-killing criminals? Somehow it just doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, but maybe that’s because I’m not a liberal. If I were, I wouldn’t have created that incredibly tasteless image that you see to the immediate right of this post. But that’s not the world we live in, dear reader. You’ll just have to deal with that.

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. wfwwhat’s with the liberal baiting sharkey?seriously though, i doubt most liberals are really going to care much. while most would have prefered them captured and put on trial, them dieing in a hail of bullets isn’t going to bother the bulk of them.

  2. Good god.Meh. It matters not what it is. The pinko commie bastards will find something to bitch about no matter what. When you finally prove their claims false after trudging through their \”conspiracy theories\” and circle talk, they change the subject or move on without admitting that they were wrong.I have no problem with self-thinking liberals. I think the main reason that liberals are such a problem is because most of them do it out of trend. No thinking for themselves. Let’s face it – 95% of punk rock kids are trendy.What the hell would putting them on trial solve? It would get them a death sentence that would put them on death row for years, stealing taxmoney. Then, the lehtal injections they get will cost more than the hail of bullets sent to put them down.

  3. Eat a DickFuck you, man. I’m a free thinking punk rocker who thinks that communism works. it does too. America has ruined every communist country with there stupid capitalism.anyway, gotta go. My mom’s calling me.

  4. Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao, Castro..Stow it you stupid prole. Communism has only succeeded in breeding dictators.

  5. uh\”Fuck you, man. I’m a free thinking punk rocker who thinks that communism works. it does too.\”Okay, you have 10 minutes to go read a book on the history of 20th century Russia. Report back immediately.\”America has ruined every communist country with there stupid capitalism.\”I uh don’t think I have to touch this one.\”anyway, gotta go. My mom’s calling me. \”Nor this one. anyway communism is a failure! It rewards misery, not value.

  6. ehI don’t think the crying is over the deaths, it’s over the increase in editorialism in news sources. Which I agree is out of hand. Too many news outlets are trying to be the Daily Show in an attempt to woo the 18-35 crowd. News in my comedy is ok, comedy in my news is unprofessional

  7. DanhoDanho: yeah, i have the same problem with non-thinking conservatives, like 95% of the hicks and rednecks out there 🙂

  8. SkamI couldn’t agree with you more. I’m a down-the-middle type of guy. You know, down the middle in the same way Ron Jeremy splits his callgirls in half.w00t w00t.:P

  9. Dirty Douche WaterI say we parade their fucking corpses around Iraq so all the Iraqis can smack dem shits with their shoes. They seem to like that.As far as the press goes, I think they went mild. Headline of CNN should have read \”Two cocksuckers got SMIZOKED, BEEYOTCH!\”Later assholes.

  10. werdTell the crying liberals to walk a mile in the shoes of someone who was strangled to death by Uday’s bare hands before they say that he didn’t deserve to die. Afterwards, if they don’t see that he was a criminal to the majority of humanity, then at least we can mock them for taking the shoes off a dead guy and walking around in them.

  11. Call Me Conservativebut my liberal ass thought that raiding the place then having bullets shot at you doesnt count as \”political assassination\” it counts as saving your ass.

  12. huh?Am I looking at the wrong article? There appears to be a lot of angry people on Metafilter’s board, but the article linked is just an ordinary report on what happened. Am I missing something?A pair of utter sadistic cowards go out fighting and Iraq has two less emotional bags to hold them down. It’s a good thing!

  13. O Well…..Is it our faults these ***Fucks*** accidently ran into some large caliber amo rounds?…..NOPE!

  14. There seems to be a bit of confusion…There seems to be a bit of confusion as to why the liberals are mad. They aren’t complaining that they died; they are complaining that a new organisation is belittling them and turning death into a humorous thing. Suure, we should be glad that they are dead, but should we feel okay about making jokes that people have died?I dunno. I personally laughed my ass off when I saw that big ol’ \”TRUMPED\” header on a couple days ago.

  15. There seems to be a [followup]…News organisation. News. Not a NEW organisation. News. Organisation. Blah.

  16. laugh at them?The answer, of course, is yes. They were the lowest type of person, if they could even be considered that. They murdered, raped, and stole for fun. They took part in *genocide*. There should be much rejoicing.

  17. umm…i’m really liberaland i dont care that these motherfuckers died. i mean, i guess if anyone deserves to die, it would be these assholes. i mean, i still dont support the war, but im not about to start crying over two guys who spent their whole lives torturing and murdering people.

  18. from the mind of a liberal lunatic…As a liberal and a prior member of the US Army I just wish I could have been the one to shoot the bastards

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