Lets Get The Obvious Nerd Crap Outta The Way

  • Nerd Topic 1: The New Nintendo DS Design. – They also finalized the name as Nintendo DS. Good for them, this thing looks a lot better than the hunk of plastic I saw at E3.
  • Nerd Topic 2: KOTOR 2 Trailer. – Yeah, it’s pretty much the same game as before, but that’s not a bad thing. With all the crap innovation going on these days (touch screen controlled Metroid and forced online play on my fucking console, anyone?) its nice to see some developers sticking with a formula that works for a change. I like innovation as much as the next guy, but for fuck’s sake they’re making fat nerds have their character balance food and exercise in the next GTA game. I like the blatently sardonic too, but let’s not go apeshit here. Some of these fat pricks have feelings too, you know.

    …actually, I don’t give a rat’s ass about their feelings. I just think it’s going to be annoying when I’m in the middle of ditching the pigs and my character suddenly gets a Big Mac attack.

  • Final Nerd-ocity: Possible Final Fantasy Classics on the Nintnedo DS. – I think the math is pretty fucking obvious, Square. Take the PS1 versions of Final Fantasy 4,5 & 6. Add them to a handheld system. This equals money. I will buy them. All of them. I am a whore. Put out Chrono Trigger too, I dare you, fuckers. I’ll buy them all and fucking like it.

    And while you’re at it, put out FF VII on the PSP, or I’ll gouge your slanty eyes out of their sockets.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. sony == 0wnagelooking at the DS, it’s games, graphics, power and what not… i’m sure sony are sitting back in big chairs smoking cigars, laughing quietly to themselves.i’m sorry but this is a shoddy attempt, especially considering now they’ve got sony coming into the market. when did they last do this? oh yeah.. back when the playstation came out. nintendo’s a joke now. calling the gamecube \”next gen\” is an insult to the ps2 and the xbox (though i hate the xbox.. purely because it’s a microsoft product)./rant

  2. GC > PS2You know, I was gonna type out this long tirade about how superior the GC is to the PS2, but it’s too fucking early and I haven’t had coffee yet.So to be brief:Nigga please.

  3. CT?If they put Crono Trigger on the DS I’ll buy 5 and stash them everywhere. Just to be certain that I am never without that beautiful slice of heaven

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