LESBIANS! Now That I Have Your Attention…

Thanks for Bill Burns for tipping me off to the lesbian pop-music antics of the two lil’ hotties in TATU. I’m sure their music sucks ass, but making out in the video, ie: playing to my inner pervert, is exactly the way to get me to listen to your pointless ear-busting drivel. Worked for Britney, right? Besides, lesbians always make me think of a quote from Paul Riser (unfortunately) which boils down every man’s feelings on the situation: “I like lesbians because it’s naked, its fun, and I agree with both of them.”

By the way, I now need a gallery of TATU for SOTD, any of you up to the challenge?

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. BoobiesBi, which is even better than lesbians in my book. And lots of wet t-shirts! Their gallery has about 7 billion pictures. Although, after posting the link to their website… Well, when they get their bandwidth bill, I’m sure they’ll take them down. =)

  2. Dark SideI’m all down for lesbos too, but let us not forget the dark side of the fun: Huge hairy butch macho bitches with spiked collars with scrawny, short haired liberal arts graduates as girlfreinds who thrive on manbashing.

  3. Dark SideI don’t call butchy macho bitches \”lesbians\”. To me lesbians are hot chicks who belong in porn movies. The other side are \”dykes\”. Hairy, poetry reading, protest sign waving dykes.

  4. Watch outI thought this was cool as hell when I saw it, then someone said they were underage. I don’t know for sure, but definately worth checking out before you start a gallery ;).

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