L. Ron Junior?

Baby Cruise is Born (thanks Lunamay)

I guess Tom Cruise will be dining on placenta (thanks rckicks) tonight. No word on whether or not Katie Holmes has kept up her vow of silence.

You ever wonder if they’re using all of this negative publicity to cover something terrible up? Who would willingly allow this much bad press to ruin what was previously a glorious career?

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. *points to his comment in the last article*I totally mentioned it first you news stealing bastards.I bet Tom stood there, giving Katie a fixated glare that said \”If you make so much as a peep, I’ll kill you. Just like Goose. That’s right, I really killed him. And you’d be next.\”Hence we haven’t seen or heard anything of Katie. She peeped.

  2. humph…so.let me be one of the first to say…the little cruise bastard(can a female be a bastard? aside from obviously being hatched out of wedlock)will go through life as thus…up to 15: probably a child star to some degree. outspoken with her infinite bastard wisdom about how girls should wait for ’til they’re married to get their crotchs stuffed. likely talking out about animals rights and maybe even a spokes person for Peta.16-17: enter the little whore scenario. we’ve all seen this hapopen to too many of the rising starlets. just look at britnys stretch marked gut. good chance of the early stages of various drug use to begin but thats nothing special really…18-23: bottoms out. fucking black rappers and snorting coke off their cocks. cruise and katie will have long be divorced by now and play the blame game over there poor darling girls considtion in the media.24ish: the she-bastard cleans up and starts preaching to the youth about the dangers of drugs and premarital sex. does a shitty film and probably a few halfassed documentarys. probably a spokes person for one of those anti-drug ads you see on tv.30s: hopefully faded into medocrity, to be heard from again only in those \”where are they now\” shows until the time of her death which suddenly shes famous again for about 3 days it takes to get her stinking used up ass in the ground.meh…anyways…

  3. LookEver notice this kind of wierd life style is getting normal for the Elite?….It would seem that the more screwed up your life is as a Star, the more everyone watches. Cheap coverage i say.I hear the baby is Mixed-Race.

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