Just To Appease The Masses

Got emailed this about 80 times today, but it never hurts to share the wealth:

Chappelle Theory

Read a very long winded (and probably 100% ficticious) account of the plot to keep Chappelle’s Show from returning. Featuring evil, oppressing Oprah Winfrey!

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. good lord…this guy has way too much time on his hands. I find 90% of what he wrote hard, if not impossible to believe. Perhaps he’s got inside info on the JFK assassination and the 9/11 \”conspiracy\” as well. Fuck this guy and fuck Al Sharpton, just because.

  2. It’s 100% trueI know because I just FEEL it is true. What other reason could there be for successful black man to give up his show where he can voice black cultural problems? Oprah, Bill Cosby, Al Sharpton, and the black leader of the Muslim party are all Uncle Toms – and they were bought out. Repost this and get out the word – save our brother who’s fighting for us

  3. where’s my foil?Yeah, it sounds like we all need to get out our tin foil hats to protect ourselves from this horrible Black Cabal.

  4. appeasementI, for one, welcome our negro overlords and eagerly anticipate serving our new masters. Hopefully I will attain a postition as \”House Cracka\” while the rest of my white bretheren toil in the fields. My babies shall fetch a handsome sum indeed.

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