Just like the Americans…

We finally put an Indian and a Mexican into space, and what do we do? We put them to work doing construction, which apparently is the only thing they are good at aside from selling drugs and the short order grill.

Astronauts used cranes to attach another expensive piece of latticework to the international space station Tuesday, and then a team of spacewalkers went out and wired it up. Herrington — the first American Indian in space — and his spacewalking partner, Michael Lopez-Alegria, installed clamps, removed locks and connected electrical cables between the new segment and the rest of the space station. [story]

And, in standard minority fashion, the two engaged in some friendly racist bantering when the Mexican accused the Indian of being a lazy no good bag of drunken shit:

The spacewalkers teased each other as they worked 250 miles up. Lopez-Alegria wanted to take a picture of Herrington and told him, “Why don’t you do some work so your family won’t think you’re goofing off up here on vacation?”

NASA has plans to send a white supervisor into space later this week to make sure “the darkies didn’t fuck anything up.”

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