Just An Observation

While I do enjoy Spiffie’s comic from time to time, I must say (through observation of the other webcomics in that link) that a lot of his contemporaries suck serious fucking ass. For example, this one, which is pretty much scraping the bottom of the barrel. Like 33% of the other links in there, its another piece of shit consisting of a bunch of sprite images that they yanked from their favorite old 8-bit title that they weren’t old enough to play when it came out, coupled with lackluster attempts at humor and slapped onto a Geoshitties or Tripod page.

It’s actually a lot of fun to just go through the list of links and see what kind of shit people have wasted their time accomplishing. If anyone can go through this list and find one worse than the aforementioned garbage, you get a cookie.

*EDIT* More observations here. Spiff, it has occurred to me that you are missing some obligatory things that make your webcomic an official “webcomic” webcomic. See, these things, or the lack thereof, cheapen and degrade your site. Sort of like a camwhore site, where the chick doesnt put up one of those Amazon pages where fat perverts who will never come within 100 miles of her can buy her a DVD in hopes that she might remove her top one of these days. Let me list these as I observe:

  1. Paypal link. You’re not a webcomic until your painfully destitute existence is made poignantly clear. You’re a fucking artist, man. Suffer.
  2. Monthly donation gift that nobody wants. Sort of like the Penny Arcade Club, only not one single person will cough up the dough.
  3. Obligatory crossovers. Sucking off some of the big boys by putting their characters in your strip will solidify your desperation in the hearts and minds of your fans, which you won’t have until one of the big boys feels that their wang has been sufficiently digitally mouthified. I suggest the Deisel Sweeties guy, he seems to get more crossover-oral than anyone.
  4. An “Advertise Here” button, and accompanying pathetic “Advertise Here” banner to show that you have the space, ability, and complete lack of readership that advertisers are actively searching for.

That’s about all I can think of at the moment. Anyone else care to comment?

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. My guinea pig website blows all this crap awayhttp://home.earthlink.net/~funkatron/There you are. HAH!

  2. jealous!! Sharkey your just jealous that your AmyPretty(tm) series couldn’t get picked up!

  3. *sigh*ravencha…no one responds to this forum to listen to you bitch like a moron…and i don’t really think sharky cares if his comic was \”picked up\” or not…i personally don’t have the attention span to read comics on the internet…i think thats crossin the line of bein a badass…but maybe thats just me…anyways…back to drinkin!!

  4. jealous!! haha.. apparently you don’t have the attention span to read and understand sharkey’s posts either your fucktard. go back a few days to the picture he drew and all the anal seepage that fucking morons like you let pour out of thier mouths in the comment section.. dumbass.

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