Just A Taste Of Home For Me

While we were in Hawaii, we saw some amazing sites. Met some great people. Stayed in an incredible house. But I have to say that the trips to some of the places we visited made them all the better. Dirt roads, rocky terrain, dangerous climbs, all of them made the destination seem all the sweeter. From the green sand beach that we had to hike a million years and maneuver down fun cliffs to see, to the all night hike-fest over the lava rock just to get within eyesight of the volcano, it all seemed like something to respect and admire.

That lame sentiment out of the way, I was quite surprised that after a few hour drive to get to this black sand beach, which also had a lovely 45 minute drive just to get across 6 miles of rocky roads, we found this piece of beauty laid in massive white rocks across the dune opposing the beach.

I didn’t know whether to be proud, or afraid. We are everywhere, and we are nowhere. Watch your ass, world.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Green sand beachHey Sharkey, was the green sand beach you visited on the extreme south end of the Big Island? I went there about three years ago, the wind was so intense that trees were being bent all the way over to the ground. And when we finally got to the beach, it was way the hell down a 45 degree slope of loose sand that my brother and I had the ingenious idea of skidding down on pieces of wood. We finally got down, only to realize that the surf was far to crazy to even stick a toe in.Same place?

  2. YupSame place, right by the southernmost point. From what I understand, the trees are always bent, becuase the wind is always crazy. Luckily for us, the surf was great and the water was nice and warm.

  3. idiot…it’s from the poorly translated Sega Genesis game Zero Wing you dumbass, not Counter Strike.

  4. CS is for 12yearold ******scs – guest (Lowly Newb) at 02:33:30 AM on 8/15/2004that comment made in rocks is a reference to a game called counter-strike? gj nubs.HAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAAAHAH WHAT A FUCKING IDIOT!

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