Just A Friendly Reminder…

When it comes to politics, damned near 100% of Americans (or perhaps all people in general) are complete fucking idiots. Oddly enough, nearly 100% of these complete fucking idiots, when asked, have a fairly strong idea of what we should do regarding the escalating situation in Iraq. Sure, on the news a lot of people are undecided. But if you could get a one-on-one with each of them and ask, you’d get a wide array of particularly egotistical answers such as “I’d just off that Saddaam and get it over with” or “Bush is a war monger, we should just keep our noses out of other people’s business”. Thankfully, these twits are no closer to controlling the fate of our nation than they are to proving that one of the eleven herbs and spices in Kentucky Fried Chicken is crack, thus keeping the black man perpetually “down”.

Now, I don’t want to go off on my personal politics regarding the situation, because quite frankly, I know that I’m not a political genius. I know that I am ill-informed, no matter how much CNN I force-feed myself. However, since I am more informed than most, I would like to take this opportunity to verbally cock-punch many of the retarded waste-of-carbon life forms that I have to interact with every day. Let me start with those of you who like to regurgitate whatever “hip” catch phrase that has entered your feeble little grey matter after catching a couple of minutes of Ted Koppel.

First off, I never want to hear the fucking phrase “If only Bush hadn’t stolen the election…” again. Because honestly, if the situation were reversed, the other half of America would be saying the same fucking thing about Gore. And instead of you making fun of Bushisms, we’d all be falling asleep during the State of the Union. Then a few hundred Saudi’s would get gassed, and we’d all wake up and wonder why someone had to harsh on our power nap. Another one that pisses me off is “Bush is only in this to get revenge for them tryin’ to shoot his daddy.” When God placed you on planet Earth, did he tell you that you’d have mental retardation or were you expected to figure it out on your own? Every fucking President has to expect that someone is going to take a potshot at him. Shit, if I were President I’d imagine a lot more people would want me dead. Would I take it personally? No. Would I expect my son to one day create the most expensive military endeavor to date, just to take a piece back for his old man? Something tells me I’d get him some fucking decaf first. To think that Goddamn Congress would go along with something like this out of revenge for a President who didn’t even get seriously injured is just pathetic. But you know what’s even more pathetic? Most of you probably graduated high school, what does that say for American education?

Another one I want to touch on is a quote I heard just yesterday after Colin Powell’s address: “If like, 75% of Americans think that we should stay out of it, don’t you think that we should do what the American people want?” …Please. If the American public’s combined political intelligence were measured as if it were a Hollywood heartthrob, it would fall somewhere between Clint Howard and the “Before” version of Jared, the Subway guy. The American public has a track record of completely cocking up political predictions. Want proof? Around 1940, while Jews were just starting to be introduced to showers that were used for a different kind of cleansing, nearly 90% of the American public thought that we should keep out of it. Nobody thought that Hitler was worth our time, because he was too small to accomplish the goals he had so clearly outlined in “Mein Kampf”. He was Time’s Man Of The Year for God’s sake. And it took sacrificing the lives of 2400 people at Pearl Harbor in December of 1941 before the public (not the government) decided that maybe this “Axis of Evil” was something that we should seriously look into. If Hitler were alive today, he’d be a recurring character by Chris Kattan on Saturday Night Live. Because we’ve seen Saddaam so much on television, we’ve almost endeared him as a sort of cartoonish villain. Sure he’s evil, sure he might use his unaccounted for FOUR TONS OF FUCKING NERVE GAS to slaughter some more innocents, but for cryin’ out loud, we don’t need to go to war over it. Just change the channel, I think Joe Millionaire is on.

I think I’ve rambled on for far too long. Just remember the next time you spout that idiotic “we’re only invading because of the oil!” rhetoric, consider this little tidbit. How would you like to be paying ten bucks a gallon the next time you go to fill up your Goddamn Excursion? Yeah, now invading a country filled with soldiers who wouldn’t think twice about slitting your throat and spitting on your grave doesn’t seem like such a bad idea, does it? Sure, it’s not our primary concern, and it seems a tad bit extreme, but that’s going to seriously cut into my Grande Latte’ budget!

I love this country, I really do. If only I could do something to get rid of my shitheaded neighbors, it’d be perfect.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Preach on brutha!Dem whities alway’ be keepin’ da bruthas down! Crack in da KFC!! Crackas puttin da crack in mah KFC! You no dat ain’t right!/GhettoGood rant, nail on the head.

  2. HuhI could care less if KFC went under, it gives chicken a bad name! Besides we always have Kraft Macaroni and Cheese™.

  3. Mostly right.I take no personal stance on whether or not the U.S. should go to war with Iraq. I don’t know the issues well enough, and ever since September 11th and their fucking \”Terrorism alert… oh whatever, Turquoise\” bullshit we’ve been given since, I haven’t cared enough to go and find out. Mainly because I’m fairly certain I’ll get no answers, half-truths, or outright lies anyway. It would follow suit.But I’m really not interested in that. I don’t really care. The US might even need to go to Iraq, and I’ll let the higher-ups make that descision. To a point.’Cause see, what pisses me off is the insistance that Bush has that he goes in /right/ /this/ /second/, and to /hell/ with anyone who says otherwise. The UN Security Council, their allies, Iraq’s neighbors, his grandmother, whatever. He’s making some decent strides now towards repairing the damge he did with his first headalong bullrush into the conflict, but damn was it scary in the first month or so.Also, I can’t help but wonder because of it: I know evil must be stopped and all, blah, blah, blah; that I’m decidedly in for. What makes me a little frightened is what if the US is primarily just protecting it’s economic interests? I mean, don’t label me a commie and a crack-pot just yet. It’s possible and you damn well know it. Despots have gotten started from less and more humble beginnings than Bush. The US war machine is a huge, lumbering, economically shaky thing yet conversely enough – the only thing likely to survive if the world economy does crash. It makes sense to take all the steps possible now to secure it in the event of a world market crash that some analysts predict could happen any day.But anyway, now /I’ve/ rambled on long enough. Just a little scared is all.

  4. Preach on Brother SharkeyIt’s nice to see that some people have half a brain out there… I was doubting it after being bombared with the anti-war rhetoric of the unsuprisingly liberal confines of the American Higher Education System…. I’ve heard every one of those slogans spit out about a hundred times a day for the past few months of my life…In addition to numerous anti-war maniacs protesting all over the place just to save their own asses… It really makes ya sick after a while…. I’m not here to debate or anything, I’m just here to say that I think you are right on target… Thank you…

  5. ww2i’d agree with most of that except the part about the 75 percent of americans no wanting war is not a valid excuse for not going to war. we live in a democracy, our representatives are supposed to represent the opinions of their constituents.also, the ww2 comparison is not really a valid comparison. the bulk of americans didn’t know what the germans were doing to jews or to what extent if they knew anything, due to improper media coverage. in our current situation i think the media has done a half way decent job of keeping people informed (not great, but most americans know the basics. like the complete lack of solid evidence for weapons development).

  6. The US is not a democracy.Since when is the US a Democracy? The US has been a Constitutional Republic since 1789. Find the word \”democracy\” in that document and you win a prize. At best we are a Representative constitutional Republic. If we were a Democracy we’d be about as irrelevant as the French. See what mob rule does to a country.And I think Sharky was spot on in his WW2 analogy. Let a threat fester and grow and you end up with something like 1930s Germany or, if you prefer a more current situation of what appeasement does for us, North Korea.

  7. lackyok, if you care define our government like that, how about this. \”we live in a republic and the elected representatives are supposed to represent the opinions of their constituents\”. same fucking thing in this case.iraqs a far cry from becoming a super power to threaten the world (as in the case of ww2 germany). we’re also not \”appeasing\” north korea. all that shit we send them is so their citizens dont starve to death (1/3 of their population would starve without food aid, due famine and poor economy). the fuel we send is so their economy doesnt dive further thus increasing the amount of poverty in the country.

  8. any lefty’s?Granted, Saddam is bad, chem weapons are bad (I’ll spare you from hearing \”Weapons of Mass Destruction\” yet again…), but the fact that he has these weapons should not be a revelation to us. Saddam’s regime was basically created by US to fight Iran in the late 70’s, 80’s. WE gave him chemical weapons and showed him how to use them against the Iranians, as well as millions in military aid to establish a Pro-America foothold in an area that crept closer and closer to USSR influence (much like the millions in weapons and training we gave the Mujahadeen / future Al Quieda to fight the ruskies in Afghanistan).The problem I have with this damn Cowboy attitude in where blame should be placed. This war is basically going to be about us cleaning up yet another one of our horrible foreign relations decisions from years past, and is not even the largest threat to our national security. Maybe a distant 3rd behind Bin Laden’s guys, and North Korea’s history of shipping weapons (ie nukes) to less then friendly nations…Lacky, we are \”appeasing\” north korea. We sent them oil in an agreement to stop their nuclear weapons program which we view as a Hostile act. Isn’t the definition of appeasment giving in when you’re threatened?

  9. Sharkey, you’re my friend.Sharkey has hit many nails right on the head with this post, but some of us still remain bulwarks of naivete. Let us presuppose that this conflict (I do not think it should be classified as a war) is premised on oil (a.k.a. economic self-interest), past foreign policy fuck-ups, or both. Five simple words: Who gives a flying fuck? Why shouldn’t we look out for our economic self-interest, or try to mend an old foreign policy wound by ousting a man we all know is the biggest metaphoric piece of shit in the world? My vote goes to untold numbers of suffering Iraqis and 300 million of my fellow Americans.

  10. O’Reilly fan…Fututor, quick little facts for you… 19 of the 21 Hijackers on Sept 11th were Saudi Arabian. America spends billions each year in Military protection of said country (Oil, ok we get it).Saudi Arabia has just as bad, if not worse human rights violations as Iraq, as do almost every nation of the Middle eastern block (Yemen, Oman, UAE, etc). Saudi government sponsors literature around the world that is very much extremeist in nature (very widely read in our prison systems actually), and is a breeding ground for terrorism around the world.Why the Hell do we continue to spend billions of dollars propping this government up, yet are about to waste untold American lives and risk economic stability to oust a guy that would be a bigger threat once he realized that his defeat is imminent? The second we cross that border, those weapons will be in someone elses hands, thats why I give a fuck. I live in DC!

  11. hmm…Ok lacky. Calm down okay. If you are upset with how things are then get out and vote or write your representatives. Bitching about it here does nothing. Do you think Bush, Powell, or any other government officials really care about the opinions of anonymous people on the intarweb? I have my doubts. I tend to think votes are more important. Just because you think public opinion is one way does not necessarilly make it so. Take a government class and you’ll soon find how biased ALL pollsters are when gathering their data. Just because a handful of students at Berkley happen to think some situations are bad doesn’t mean everyone thinks this way. And if you are unhappy about how you are being represented in your area then write your Congressman or Senator. If you don’t believe it makes a difference you should try it. if you are persistant and continue to make your case they will eventually listen.You say that Iraq is a far cry from a superpower. Are you saying we should allow them to build themselves up to this status? I hope not. And even Germany wasn’t a superpower at first. They had to build themselves up to that status by making a joke of the League of Nations and taking over countries here and there in order to bolster their position. Even during the battles in taking over Czechoslovakia Hitler had no idea that they would fall so fast and wasn’t really sure of himself in that undertaking. However, once one acquires a country they tend to continue doing so. I personally don’t want Saddam to get to that level. It sickens me that we’ve already allowed North Korea to rise to that position. What? One country black mailing us not enough for you? One is too fucking many for me.And lacky… When we send \”shit\” to countries in an effort to stop them from being bad that is the epitome of appeasement. It works so well that they are firing up their Nuke Plants and are even saying that they have the right to strike the US pre-emptively. After the armistance in the 50’s we should have cut them off for good. Thank you Jimmy Carter.

  12. Fiction can be fun…Get serious poncho. I know all about the Saudis and their extremists (it is a sect of Islam called Wahhabi, just for reference), but what you call human rights violations, they call religious beliefs. Moreover, has Saudi Arabia ever used chemical weapons against their own people, or for that matter on any people in surrounding countries? A resounding \”NO\” is the answer you’re looking for. However, our buddy in Iraq has, and most likely has no qualms about doing it again. And as far as Hussein’s weapons getting into the hands of someone possibly more dangerous, you need to look at your history here pal. The Russians have, and have had, the worst security record regarding their nukes. Now, we all know that many crazy assholes have gotten their hands on those bad boys, and we’ve yet to see a nuclear deployment, tactical or strategic, on American soil because of American (and our allies) intelligence, security, and deterrence capability. Thus, my best guess says we probably never will. Certainly, I am not discounting the possibility of some other deployment here in America (i.e. chemical or biological) because of Saddam’s weapons being in the wrong hands, but the chances are quite slim for one main reason: When we defeat Iraq in this possibly upcoming conflict, and we will defeat him expeditiously, you can bet your bottom dollar that he will not even have the chance (time or inclination at that point) to, and we will certainly not let those weapons enter the hands of anyone more dangerous than himself. The Allies disarmed the Axis powers after their defeat in WWII, and we will do the same to Saddam Hussein today.

  13. The Biggest Thing That Nobody Talks AboutUhh First let me say that Log….Uhh i mean Sharkey is absolutly right, yet he seems to be missing one crucial factor, as does everybody else. FUCKING OIL!!!!! Hello, does anybody remeber the fact that Saddaam is sitting on one of the biggest oil fields in the world.Also we know he doesn’t give two shits and a fuck about lighting that shit up and fuckin the whole world over.Now me, I don’t give a fuck about oil, cars or anything related to the petrol related world.If that mother fucker lights that hell spawned fluid again the ecological damage could be world wide. Something else that concerns me is the fact that nobody seems to notice the increased amount of \”Lock Down\” going on with in our own borders. I mean you could theoreticly be arrested for felony terrorism for selling drugs.The probability of that happining is slim but none the less since when is a drug dealer a terrorist? I thought a drug dealer was a drug dealer. If thats the case what the fuck is going on in South America and Cuba.Those fucks are some of the most well funded and crazy coked out mother fuckers around, and they don’t even need to travel halfway around the would to reach us.It’s my oppinion that this whole 9-11 terrorism, Iraq-Saddaam thing is a little to convient.I mean common if a global \”SuperPower\” like ourselves can’t do shit about a guy like Saddaam what the fuck good is it being a Super Power.No in fact this whole thing is based on oil and saddam knows it.Thats why he lit that shit up last time and granted the media coverage is substantial compared to something like WW2 but whos to say what the fuck is really going on over there.I mean can any of you say for sure that any of the media coverage hasn’t been edited for out benefit?No you can’t…and if you say you can you a liar.p.s. ( Hsing I…is pronounced \”sing ye\” and is an ancient form of Chinese internal Kung Fu)

  14. We Supplied Iraq In The 70s/80sThis is true, we did give Iraq goods for fighting back in the 70s and 80s, (I forgot about this one in my post, thanks for bringing it up) but what I hate about this little piece of canned response is this: What does that have to do with anything? Again, this is just another comparison to Germany. In case you people don’t remember, we did the same thing with them during their spat with Russia. It’s happened a few times before, I beleive it’s called Mandela Syndrome. The US funds/arms an army, it eventually gets uppitty and wants to challenge our authority, we wind up having to disarm them later, usually in a fairly heated conflict. But why does this make it hypocritical to go to war, and even so, why the Hell is that a bad thing? If you gave your kid a BB Gun and he started shooting the neighborhood pets, you’d have to disarm that little fucker before he grows up and decides to live in a tin shed planning ways to sneak wooden guns into the airport. Same deal, only on a much grander scale. My problem is, everyone says the war is hypocritical, or it’s partially our fault for arming them in the first place, or some other such bullshit. My question is, why does that matter? Does that make Saddaam any less dangerous? No, but it certainly seems to make it our responsibility to disarm the bastard, since we decided to fund him all those years ago.

  15. ..all of you who just responded about kfc just proved sharkey right about \”damned near 100% of Americans (or perhaps all people in general) are complete fucking idiots.\”hi welcome to the main topic of the post. you know…war?

  16. Good argumentSharkey I agree with you that Saddam needs to be disarmed, I question the timing, methodology, and reasoning for this administration to pursue this now.There is a price we will have to put on all this. Granted we’ll all be payin a buck a gallon for gas, but in return we’ll have more \”emphasis\” placed on security (ie removal of more civil rights) in the name of preventing more terrorist attacks, lower economic stability from the sheer price of this campaign (somewhere around 60 billion?), and yet another finger in the air to public sentiment throughout the world.This from a country whose government has to Raise its own debt limit to keep it operational through march?Are we really threatened enough to risk all the problems we have here, just to spank some unruly kid with a bb gun?

  17. Dew…..You question the timing, methodology, and reasoning, yet you agree he needs to be disarmed.Would it be better if we sent him an invitation to pull his head out of his ass, and if he Doesn’t R.S.V.P. THEN and only THEN can we go disarm this madman?If thetrash needs to be taken out before it affects the environment of your house, you do it now, not later.

  18. damn!I’m suprised. In the past political discussion in the forums and such have had much less reason in them. Kudos to all of you ( I really wonder how that expression got into the american vocab..)

  19. You’re all rightin one way or another. Personally I think it’s all bullshit but necessary bullshit. If I really have anything to add it would be that I think Bush’s good ol daddy shoulda knocked saddaam off in the Gulf War. What did he think saddaam was going to be doing for the last 10-15 years sitting around? or gee maybe stockpiling weapons of all kinds and building up a stronger army. Then again, if sadaam was killed then one of his family members or \”council\” members would have taken over with the same idiotic beliefs etc. Really I think the problem comes down to the whole middle east as a whole. They are a very fanatical race (eg their jihad bullshit or their military brainwashing of their children starting from the time they are able to walk). No matter who you kill or hold down there will always be others there to take their place. As stupid as I’m sure this is going to sound look at it from their point of view. Yes they are sitting on one of the largest oil fields in the world. What does saddaam do with the money? make himself palaces and build up the military. the people are poor as fuck and saddaam doesnt give a shit. that right there would make the people dispise america. they are lots we have nothing. if i was born there i would be jealous too. it’s that jealousy mixed with their fanatical upbringing, that eases them into the mob mentallity and really fuels their hatred of america. at this point it’s beyond obvious that bush is going to attack it’s just a matter of when. the only thing i wish is that after they rape the hell out of the people and their country they wouldnt try to pay them off with millions and millions in aid. it’s a waste of money for a country that will just build up with the help and become the same as before anyway.

  20. Nation-Building2KANCHOO, you’re suggesting we not help build up Iraq after they’re beaten. This makes the people poorer, and produces a setting conducive to another dictator type regime. Not to mention dissent and hatred that breeds more terrorism which might be a bigger threat to us then Iraq. We helped Germany and Japan A LOT to build up their economies after WWII, and it seems to me as if that worked a lot better.Something that a lot of people aren’t realizing is the twenty years after Iraq is beaten when America will be spending a lot in money and resources to help build this country up after it’s taken over.

  21. Clearing a few things upFirst off, Daddy Bush didnt oust saddam 12 years ago for one big reason…We got him out of Kuwait and that was the goal of the coalition, we didnt want to proceed without the coalition, because then it would have been totally up to us to rebuild the place… In hindsight, it would have been a good idea nonetheless, but i at least see the reasoning…Second, regarding our support of Iraq in the 80’s, Weinberger, one of Reagan’s cabinet members, did an interview recently concerning this…. It’s not like we built up Iraq’s military to the point it could challenge anyone, we only gave them enough weapons to fight to a neutral decision with Iran, who, as u might know had a certain enemy of ours at the time funding them…. It’s not like we gave Saddam all the shit he is hiding from us now, and in retrospect, that whole thing was worth it… Cause if that enemy of ours had stretched its interest into Iraq, with all of their oil reserves, the US of A woulda been screwed, we might not even be having this discussion right now….As far as whats goin on, it’s like Pres Reagan always preached, Peace through Strength…. I know it sounds totally uneducated to say we need to flex some muscle, but its true, all these countries step to us cause we havent administered a good ole ass kickin in soooo long….I just hope this turns out to be a quick thing… Because with the media coverage of war nowadays, it wont be easy to keep morale up for long… Whereas before generals could understate losses, now the media covers everything, its really gonna end up being the death of us… The media overstates our losses and turns public opinion against a war… I bet if people really knew how we were holding up in the Pacific Islands early in WWII, public opinion woulda turned right around….Finally, does anyone else take it as a slap in the face that there are 90,000 american soldiers buried in France, defending Normandy, and France wont even show us some support in this thing… God i cant stand the French….

  22. Lest we forget KoreaThere were too many \”Hell Yeah!\” comments so i thought id dissent. First I dont agree with just about anything sharkey said but whatever about that. I was just annoyed about the N. Korean statement. Theres a reason we are pandering to them at this moment. THERE ARE MORE THAN A MILLION N. KOREANS SOLDIERS ON (or near) THE DMZ FACING OUR 35,000 BOYS.Not to mention the intrests of S. Korea. Seoul is 35 miles away. If we pull the trigger in Korea it would be a catastrophe not seen for a number of years. Its so bad Hundai PAYED 200 Million just to get N. Korea to the negotiation table and are looking for better (see: not us) allies who arnt so selfish.ok im done, let the flaming begin :gets off soap box:

  23. hah> .. – Iggy (Full MoFo) at 11:13:29 AM on 2/6/2003> all of you who just responded about kfc just proved sharkey right > about \”damned near 100% of Americans (or perhaps all people in general) > are complete fucking idiots.So you’re smarter than I since you pointed out my obvious mistake of making a comment on something Sharkey said in his post? I mean, Jesus! God forbid that the comment section be used for anything other than making a comment! I wasn’t aware that it was required to do a full analysis of the origninal post if I’m going to use the comment section.

  24. wellhah – Gene (Full MoFo) at 05:39:48 PM on 2/7/2003\”So you’re smarter than I since you pointed out my obvious mistake of making a comment on something Sharkey said in his post?\”Keywords- OBVIOUS and MISTAKE.

  25. hah hah!I don’t think you understand. It’s a COMMENT section. It is used for COMMENTS.You are guilty of the same thing you accuse me of: not talking about the main topic of the post. Hell, you didn’t even comment on anything related to the post. It’s like trying to make someone stop yelling by yelling back at them.

  26. Wait a minute…Isn’t Chris Kattan as Hitler (I believe they call him \”Gay Hitler\”) already on SNL?

  27. We = SelfishN.Korea wants to negotiate with us so they can talk us into signing a zero hostility treaty, if they cease their building of weapons. Once we sign the treaty they will do exactly what they are doing right now, and we cant do shit because we signed a god damn treaty.so no talks with them. we have to tell them how it is, and they have to comply.

  28. NO NO NOwait a godamned mintue……so it’s everybody’s opinion that it’s ok fur us to have weapons of mass destruction but nobody else??i mean so for the USA ids the onlt country to use them yet we goaround telling everbody else not to have thema little ironic if you ask mepeace….ha ha thats funny

  29. One question Does anyone here have someone that is actually over in the middle east waiting to get the word?I do.What should have been taken care of in the Gulf was’nt..I don’t like to think that the man I love is laying his life on the line for no reason when there are very real reasons..even if I don’tagree with everything the bottom line is I only have one country,I support her…and I support my man.Just remember that there are people out here who have loved ones that have taken a one way ticket out of here…and they live with that every waking minute of everyday…just like the men and women that are there waiting…I’d like to think that they have support of the American people. September the 11th was just the tip of the ice burg and had it been someone close to you someone you loved then perhaps you would look at that day different as well…I am not talking to anyone here specfically..I am just saying what is on my mind and letting others think about things from a different viewpoint..

  30. its not thatDani, voicing concern over the war in Iraq is not intended to be any kind of slander against the armed forces. Many people have husbands, wives, brothers, family over there. A voice of dissent is against the decision made by pencil pushing politicians that haven’t a damn clue what its like to actually be in the heat of battle, or risk life or limb \”defending American Interest\”.DubYa went AWOL when he was in the g’damn air RESERVES, how is he to know what real service is like? Rumsfeld moves troops like they were lil army men on a damn Risk board. It has nothing to do with the people that will actually have to fight this campaign… Hopefully Americans will remember that when casualty numbers start coming in. To Dissent is being patriotic.

  31. Thank you CoolI suppose that I am just a little out of sorts and sensitive to what seems an uncaring attitude on some peoples parts..thank you for helping me to see things in a different perspective.. I know that politicians sure do have a way of making a mountain out of a molehill..peace.

  32. another comment…and the prophets spoke, and they said, the third great war will be started by the son of an idiot. Easy prediction to make, difficult to qualify, and more difficult to imagine.Imagine. good song. John Lennon. He’s dead.Push the button already please.

  33. wow. After reading a large number of these posts I have a few comments/observations. 1. a lot of you are dicks. That whole \”who cares?\” attitude is great when you’re throwing empty bottles of Old English out the window of your trailor park but war is something much more serious. Ask anyone who’s actually been in a war, faced that reality and see if they would speak of it so flippantly. 2. America is so torn up about 9-11 and yet so willing to inflict the same horror apon another nation. 3. Killing people for lower gas prices? That is absolutely sickening.In closing, I wish you all could see the real face of war. Then, perhaps you’ll realize the gravity of this situation.

  34. YOU wait a minuteHSING:\”wait a godamned mintue……so it’s everybody’s opinion that it’s ok fur us to have weapons of mass destruction but nobody else??i mean so for the USA ids the onlt country to use them yet we goaround telling everbody else not to have thema little ironic if you ask mepeace….ha ha thats funny\”Yeah, what were we thinking, putting an end to World War 2, by far the bloodiest and most violent conflict that ever was waged in THE HISTORY OF OUR PLANET? YES, I think the USA has the right to not practice what it preaches. YES, I think it’s ok for the US to have a nuclear stockpile while insuring that rogue nations do not. NO, I don’t think that it’s hypocritical. Why? Because we’re the GOOD GUYS. Sound trivialized? Over-simplified? It is. Guess what, the world IS black and white fella. And so is this issue. The world is a nothing but a big He-Man cartoon, brother, and Sadaam is Skeletor. Our weapons exist to preserve peace. Many say it is not our place to act as policeman to the world. Newsflash, it is. Why? Because if we don’t, no one else will. Sadaam Hussein has access WoMD, and is attempting to get more. He doesn’t want to dress the warheads up in their sunday best and have a prissy little tea party with them. He wants to use them. Against his enemies. Ok, lets do a quick breakdown of who THEY are.1) Us.2) Israel. Ok, lets review that again one more time Hsing – -Sadaam wants nuclear weapons to use against his enemies. -The list of Iraq’s enemies is headed by the United States. -I am from the United States.Therefore, if Sadaam Hussein does get access to nuclear devices and sophisticated delivery systems, AS HE WILL IF HE IS NOT STOPPED, He will attempt to blow me up. Therefore I support blowing him up first.There it is, in the simplest terms possible. No political rhetoric, just cut and dry statements of truth. He wants you dead because you live here. My suggestion to you is to stop listening is to stop thinking about this problem in a sense of equality between nations, to stop asking questions like \”Can we…\” and \”Do we have the right to…\” and \”Is it really our place to…\” and start replacing them with the ultimate question: \”Does this have to be done?\”The answer is yes.Steve

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