Johnny Cochrane’s Phone Is Ringing Somewhere…

I’m really sorry for what I have to do at the end of this post, but for now, just check out the story for yourself. Or, if you’re lazy like myself…

Green Bay Packers (news) fullback Najeh Davenport agreed Tuesday to do community service to settle charges he broke into a university dormitory and defecated in a sleeping woman’s closet.

Details of the player’s service were not released during his court appearance. He must sign up for the program by Nov. 12. If he completes the program, a felony charge of second-degree burglary and a misdemeanor count of criminal mischief will be dropped.

“Where’s the evidence? Where’s the manure?” Davenport asked outside court. “I know I didn’t do it I just wanted to get it over with.”

Again, I am truly, truly sorry for the transgression that I am about to commit against you.


If there is no shit, you must acquit.


Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Fukin boboSorry, Sharkey, he’s one of ours. We’ll keep him away from now on. And now? I check in with Paro.Yup, he’s fine.

  2. Sawin’ off a Log\”Najeh wants to put this behind him like he does linebackers in the NFL,\” Sharpstein said. That practically incriminates him!…Put it behind him like a ripe turd perhaps…This won’t be hsi last victim either…definetly a serial defecator…lock your cupboards sodomites!

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