Joey Has Come To You Now, At The Turn Of The Tide

Oh boy, do I love good news on a Friday. And since I haven’t received word of a Katie Holmes/Keira Knightley half-naked pillowfight happening in my room later tonight, I will simply enjoy news of the impending doom of reality television.

Viewers’ fascination with reality shows may be on the wane, and scripted shows may be about to make a comeback, according to a study by Interpublic Group’s Magna Global USA and reported in MediaPost’s MediaDailyNews Thursday. Steve Sternberg, who oversaw the study, told the publication that with such scripted series as CBS’s CSI: NY, and ABC’s Lost and Desperate Housewives drawing huge ratings to start off the season, “a reversal of last season may occur, with scripted series replacing reality by mid-season, particularly if the several new reality shows about to come our way flop.” The number of primetime hours devoted to reality shows doubled to 20 this season. But ratings for such top shows as The Apprentice, The Bachelor, and Fear Factor have seen substantial drops.

Like, eight different reality shows this season have been shelved due to lack of interest. I know that reality TV will never truly leave us, but we can weed out crap like “The Benefactor” and whatnot, only to leave us with the shows where people cry, or get stabbed, or get stabbed and then cry. And let me tell you friend, “Cheaters” is that fucking show. If it is staged, I don’t want to know. Ever. That series is a work of art and I cannot turn away from it. Especially when the host gets injured.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Yes.I think the greatest moment in recent TV history was when the host got stabbed. I giggled like a school girl. My roommates where confused.

  2. jack!\”Two die-hard ‘Big Trouble in Little China’ fans are on a quest to recover Kurt Russell’s tank top after being outbid at an online auction.\”it was a pretty sweet tank top, imo.

  3. Tommy GrandCheaters though is not the same without the great Tommy Grand as host. He has new show coming out about bachelor parties called STAG.

  4. Hell yeah!Dude got stabbed on the boat and one of his security guys flipped over the side. I’ve watched that same episode like 30 times, it makes me squeal like a little girl when he shanks him. I watched one the night before last where the same dude tried to fight a big black guy that was pawing his woman and he said: \”I could drop you in 5 seconds!\” while he hid behind security.

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