Jenny Was A Tramp

[ 867-530 ni-ee-i-een ]


Some people don’t know what the hell this is, because I posted it on the message board (they know what this is about) and it spread unexpectedly. There is an 80s song by Tommy Tutone called “Jenny (867-5309)” about a guy finding a girl’s name and number on a wall and he wants to call it. The song led to telephone lines getting jammed when the song first came out, which led to the rumor that telephone companies don’t give the number out or discontinued every 867-5309 out there. As you can see, I proved this wrong. The numbers are area codes.

The one about ‘getting a life’ really had to hit home for this guy.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. HahaThat prefix is about 10 mins from my house and I remember the guy who got all the calls – man was he pissed.\”Hi is Jenny there ?\” \”hahaha\” *click*

  2. I just called itI just called the one that’s in my area – and it’s the one where it says \”Hi Jenny has changed and now is Jimmy (519)! haha

  3. 519Word to the 519. In other news someone needs to slap that guy, I considered calling the one in my local area code once, but it seemed dumb so I went and got laid. Her name might have been Jenny, I wasn’t listening to what she was saying.

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