Sweet Jesus in a birchbark canoe! What the Hell happened to my Jennifer Love Hewitt?!?

Good mother of mercy, it looks like her ass soaked up all of that seawater like a sponge. If you’re into that whole “junk in the trunk” sort of thing, here are a few more to satisfy your curiosity:

Oh my god, I could have a whole party up in that ass… and thats a good thing.
id tap that
Reminds me of a “Dance Mom” I know.
Glorious, full and sexy.
mmmmmmm. Ass
Oh, and Sharkey?
Thanks for opening up comments to any old sod.
And to add insult to injury, now she’s engaged (according to Yahoo news).
Maybe they’re related?
I want a skinny, single Jennifer Love to lust after again.
I call bullshit….there’s no way that’s her. It’s got to be a photoshop special.
*cry* Why Jennifer. If those really are real pics of her that is oh-so-sad.
How can you guys call that fat. You are ridiculous. She put on like 10 pounds. She is still hot as fuck and you guys wanna cry about a few pounds. I guarantee that if she came onto any of you, there wouldnt be a single one who would tell her to go away.
Looks like it’s a little more than 10 pounds but yeah I’d bend her over
She would actually be really hot except for those canckles.
she looks better now. like more like a woman. she used to look like a fuckin man with those broad shoulders. at least from behind she looks like a woman now.
I don’t know about you guys, but I want my celebrities to be perfect. JLH looks worse than the average chicks I see around Orange County these days. Very disappointing.
well from waist up shes still nice, but ass/thighs/calves = eeewwwww
she have a kid or something?
I’d hit it but I wouldn’t feel good about myself afterwards.
You guys suck. She looks hotter now.