It’s official. Brad Pitt put his hoo-hoo in Angelina Jolie’s cha-cha. Now it seems that she’s pregnant, which will probably signal the end of her dynamite figure and her status as the #1 object of lust on the face of the planet.
No word yet on whether or not Jennifer Aniston has filled that cyanide prescription yet, but we’ll keep you posted.
A few points…1. Angelina Jolie ain’t that great2. Brad Pitt is an idiot for leaving Aniston3. Who gives a fuck if they fucked?5. I’d much rather fuck Jennifer Aniston
AnistonUGH. Something’s wrong with you man.
it’s all about anistonI’d fuck her WAY before I\”d even think about Jolie.
WTF?Jolie has those big beutiful DSLs and shes a freak to boot. Aniston has nothing on Jolie.
Jolie all the wayAgreed- Aniston has absolutely nothing on Jolie. I’d drop Jennifer Aniston in a second for Angelina Jolie- just like Brad Pitt did.
Simple math people…..Jolie Pussy > Aniston Pussy.
AgreedHis score card is doing well, he’s banging the popular right now and they draw big scores, as time passes, he will turn to Crack Whores and Pole Dancers, where the points are in the single digits and tough to come by….Its a Sport Gentlemen, like Golf….