---January 5, 1999---

More Updates

    Be sure to check out the Fast Eddie wallpaper in the Fun Stuff section. Put up a great story about me and Wags from high school in Articles.

Thin Red Line

    Went to go see it before work today. It's a very interesting movie, but it will turn a lot of people off. The movie is heavily narrated, and the director tried to use the camera angles to incorporate feeling. This sometimes makes you feel naseous, because the camera will follow someone around in circles for quite awhile. And the fact that there is no main character to follow leaves you sort of disoriented, which is (I guess) the director was trying  to achieve. There's a lot of big stars in it who appear for a few minutes and eat shit or disapppear. And there's a completely idiotic scene with Woody Harrelson which shouldn't have been there. Thankfully, I didn't have to pay to see it, because I would have been pissed. It already took three hours of my time, which they should have payed me for.
Ultima Online Lawsuit History

    Gamers who had accused Electronic Arts and Origin Systems Inc. of fraud and breach of contract in its handling of sales and support of Ultima Online have agreed to a settlement. They will drop their case against EA, and as part of the settlement, EA will donate US$15,000 to the San Jose Tech Museum. The main points of the settlement are: 1. Gamers' attorney George Schultz will drop his current case against EA/OSI by filing a Request for Dismissal with the San Diego court handling the lawsuit; 2. Each party will bear their respective legal costs; 3. EA/OSI will deliver a check in the amount of $15,000 to the San Jose Tech Museum of Innovation; 4. The settlement covers claims and demands up until the date the settlement was signed but not after; 5. The settlement is not an admission of liability on the part of EA/OSI or Schultz and his clients.

---January 4, 1999---

Lieberman strikes again

    For all of you who don't know who Sen .Joseph Lieberman, D-Conn. is, he was the main player in the battle to censor and ban certain video games awhile back. I wasn't planning on commenting on his dumb ass for awhile, but then he goes and pulls this bs. Here's a link to the latest batch of stupidity to come out of Washington. While we're at it, grab the constitution so the rest of you hippies can piss on it. Stinkin' bleeding heart liberals. And according to the polls, the majority of people out there are in favor of the Democratic party. Lemons, the lot've you!

Acer sucks

    I bought my ACER CD-R about two and a half months ago, and it stopped working a little over a month later. I sent in the warranty card when I purchased it. According to the Micro Center where I bought it, I would have to talk to Acer about getting it fixed. I e-mailed them the day after it broke, and got no word back. I persistently wrote them e-mails, and called their damn 800 number, and still got nothing. I'm going to take it down to the Micro Center and demand a new one, with proof of Acer's delinquency. Hopefully it works. If not, it's time for some blinding, senseless violence.

My car still sucks

    My car is driving with only three of it's four cylinders firing. The loss of power is almost unbearable. I've always loved the sheer speed I get out of that car, but now it's like I'm dragging a dead horse behind it. The sad part is that it is my only means of transportation until I get my new Honda Civic. Sharkey's Car Quest '99 is under way.

Star Wars: Rogue Squadron

    What a fantastic game! I hope that the N64 keeps churning out quality products like this and Zelda. I haven't been able to experience it with the RAM expansion yet, but I've heard it makes the game twice as enjoyable.

---January 3, 1999---

Piece of $#*@ Car

    My car is officially on the downward spiral. My little 1985 Toytota Celica is slowly dying. I feel bad because I've had it for a couple of years and it's been a good and loyal friend to me. But I've sunk enough money into it's upkeep. It's time to get a new one. Thus, Sharkey's Car Quest '99 begins. I'm looking to lease myself a new Honda Civic. Preferably black or silver, manual transmission (damn straight manual!), fully loaded. If any of you out there know of a good place in Orange County, CA., let me know. I can smell that new interior already.


    Finished updating the site today. Now the Movies and Gaming sections are online. ElectricMainline is now up and running.

---January 2, 1999---


    Welcome to ElectricMainline.com. We've been working hard to put this site together, and it's finally here.Well, seeing as how most of you are new here, some introductions are in order.

    You can call me Sharkey. I'll be taking care of most of the site. I'll be coming up with most of the pictures, articles, and general insanity held within these virtual walls. So if you don't like how it looks, or are offended by some of the content, then you can address all comments to my ass, because I don't care. For anyone interested, I am a tech support jockey based out of Orange County, CA. (specifically Tustin, Irvine & Newport). I met my good buddy Wags (see below) at Irvine High School. We spent most of our time there causing havoc and ignoring the a-holes around us. We've got a lot of crazy stories from there, from nearly giving our guidance counselor a heart attack to having a personal vendetta against us by the Irvine Police department. Not to mention the incriminating photos we took throughout. So have a look around and enjoy, there are many good things to come.

    Hey everybody, I'm Wags. In case you didn't know, I'm stuck over in Saudi Arabia defending a bunch of towel headed ingrates from Sadaam and his cronies. I'll be writing the semi-daily "Bunker" journals, which is basically an update of just how badly it sucks over here, and how lucky all you bastards are to not be here. Now you people have depressed me. I have to go sit in a box now.

    Anywhoo, that's enough for introductions. We've got a few more people that will be writing up columns for us, but they are unfortunately lazy. Therefore I will speak on their behalf by saying that they love womens undergarments and the Village People. Maybe now they'll have something to say. Hopefully we never have to go through this crap again. So have a look around and enjoy the madness baby.