Jacko Is Wacko If You’re A Teen! Or A Baby…

So I was at the gym today, when what to my wandering eyes did appear than a freak dangling a baby out the fucking fifth story window of his hotel. Click that link and watch the video, even the reporter is perplexed, and a little bit disgusted. She, unlike us, has never had the unique experience of a goatse attack. Or to bring a real blast from the past, ep-sample.avi. *shudders* They should really show that as a prerequisite to joining the military. Fuck the horrors of combat, real life can be worse in ways most normal humans cannot possibly fathom.

Oh right, back to business. Maybe if I drop him on his face, he'll look just as pretty as me!

The reclusive performer had to fight his way through the crowd of fans to get into the hotel, in a scrum that injured one person.

Later, Jackson dangled a baby out of the window of his room on the fifth floor, holding it with one arm around its neck.

Many onlookers feared the 44-year-old would drop the infant, although he brought the child back inside safely.

Not to uh… cast judgement or anything… Well, actually, yes it is. I’m judging him now. Judgement mode has been engaged. *Ahem*

If you went back to like, 1975 and showed lil’ Michael Jackson a retrospective video highlighting his life from the 90s to present, and then handed him a hypodermic needle filled with potassium chloride, how long would the tape have to run before he tapped the vein of oblivion? I’m guessing the whole MTV tape where he talked about the FBI touching his junk after he molested that kid. I highly doubt he would let it run this far.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.

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