Jack Daniel’s Grandpappy

[ 184-Proof Whiskey ] – Oh… oh good lord, I want some.

Managing director Mark Reynier says the Bruichladdich distillery on the Isle of Islay, off Scotland’s west coast, is producing the quadruple-distilled 184-proof – or 92 percent alcohol – spirit “purely for fun.”

Whiskey usually is distilled twice and has an alcohol content of between 40 and 63.5 per cent.

In 1695, travel writer Martin Martin described it as powerful enough to affect “all members of the body” and wrote, “Two spoonfuls of this last liquor is a sufficient dose; if any man should exceed this, it would presently stop his breath, and endanger his life.” Reynier actually tried three spoonfuls and says, “I can tell you, I had some and it indeed did take my breath away.”

The rest of us will have to wait however, since the whiskey will not be ready for at least 10 years. Reynier says, “You get a better drink if you wait because of the basic oxygenation through the oak barrels.”

Dammit. I want a bottle of this whiskey for when I go over the hill. I want to guzzle it down and just end it right there before my penis becomes useless.

Drowned in his own addiction, they’ll say… that’s… well, yeah there’s no irony there. That’s kind of the opposite of irony, right? That’s Tuesday.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. hahaslippin’ ain’t the word. fucking overloaded with work… that’s the word. or phrase. shut up.

  2. Hell yeah!.. Go out like a rock star; guzzle some 184 Jack, then choke on your own vomit. Apart from small plane crashes, it’s the rockin’est death there is.

  3. Not yetYou have failed to own a Million $$ Sports Car you wrecked on PCH Pussy!!!!Please try Again!!!

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