Jack Black As Tingle

Time for some gaming news kiddies, hold on to your hats.

  • New Castlevania DS Soon? – I still haven’t finished the old one, so I don’t know why I’m so damned excited about the possibility of another. Dammit I am a consumer whore.
  • Metroid Manga – This is pretty fucking slick. If you feel the need, there’s a flash version in Japanese too, complete with music and some animation.
  • Zelda: The Movie? – Reggie from NOA talks about Metroid for the big screen, and drops the possibility of a feature length Zelda flick in the future. Considering the shitty fan-films I’ve seen, I just hope that they come up with better looking tights. We’ve already discussed how the Japanese love to faggot up our heroes, especially Link, so God only knows what will come of this.
  • From the Magic Box:

    Rockstar Games has registered a trademark protection in US for a new game title Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories on March 21, 2006. Which seems to be the next GTA title for PSP.

    Awesome. Yet another handheld game that excites me, even though I haven’t gotten around to completing its predecessor.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Fan film TralierNot only is it crappy, it’s homotastic. Watching that trailer makes me think I’m watching the trailer for Brokeback Mountain, at least for the first half.

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