
Even though I could do the job with software and some extra time, I really freakin’ want one of these bitchin’ iPod video docks. Even if it is $200, I think it’d make sweet delicious video love to my Tivo. The video options make me suspicious though, I’d certainly let one of my spend-happy associates pick one up first, so that I can inspect the goods first hand.

Speaking of goods, Microsoft just informed the music-loving populace that they will be offering free compatible versions of any songs that you have purchased on Itunes if you use their upcoming MP3 player. The ability to update the device wirelessly is also a pretty nifty selling point. If nothing else, this will help to push Apple to innovate further. Either way, I get bitchin’ tech at lower prices. Yay capitalism!

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.

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