It’s The End Of The Interweb As We Know It

When I read that post by Peaches, I wished deep down that she had somehow hit the reset button on the Internet and set us back to 5 years ago when we first posted it. (I read it again and laughed anyway)

I’ve been spending some time dipping into the archives, trying to find the inspiration to post here again and save you from the rampant internet boredom that currently afflicts yours truly. Every Goddamned site on the web seems to be the same thing these days, it’s like a lampoon of what BAMF (and admittedly a bajillion other sites) used to be. And we were a fucking lampoon in the first place, so we really didn’t need any more focus in that area.

We talk a lot about celebrities, their tits, and their various rap sheets. But even that has become boring and repetitive. Ooh look, Lindsay Lohan got arrested and Britney went apeshit. Christ, the shamefully bogus Miss Cleo could have predicted both of those events in her sleep and still had time to fake her Rastafarian twang. Just look at the big “celebrity gossip” sites today, it’s the same fucking thing across all of them. Dina Lohan is getting sued, a bunch of non-involved doctors think that Britney is crazy, Tara Reid has a disgusting figure, and Heidi Montag is their version of a running gag. Here’s a hint cocksuckers, if you didn’t care then you wouldn’t put up her blatantly posed “paparazzi” photos.

Then you’ve got funny web videos. I don’t know, something about the advent of Youtube and their ilk, I’ve just not found it very necessary to share shit like Chocolate Rain and its vast array of clever parodies. We have a fairly hefty youtube thread for that, which probably has about 70 posts to go before Raygun (yeah, he’s alive. i owe someone 20 bucks.) burns it out of spite and then we start anew.

I don’t know, it just seems like everything has been done to death. Maybe its me, maybe its getting older, but everything out there just bores me to tears. Someone entertain me for once, please. Daddy needs it.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Everything has been done, but at least your still posting. What a pile of shit the internet is, where is Diablo 3 mofo.

  2. Welcome to 30, dude. The only thing left is to get married, pop out a couple of kids, and watch what’s left of the twilight of your youth slip past in a heartbeat while the next generation of degenerate, talentless motherfuckers look at you like you’re an old man. For the mentally challenged, that would be this generation of worthless retards that were born in the post-Reagan era and don’t know life before cell-phones, email, the Real World, and who thinks that bands like Yellowcard and Panic at the Disco are cool.

    My generation is X and remember kids…..we didn’t give a fuck, first.

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