It’s So You Can Say, You Know, “WHOOT WHOOT!”

This is why I hate damn near everyone. You need me in a position of total control in this country, because we’d all feel so much better about ourselves after watching our enemies being publicly purple-nurpled. WHOOT WHOOT!

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Stupid streamed wmv’sWhy do window and real streams suck so much? I never have these problems with quicktime. Goddamn file won’t even buffer past 30%…

  2. shitAnd here’s the downside … 2.5 kb/s. My college has an internal network that maxes out at 1Gb/s fiber optic, and they stick us with a T1 line to the outside, 65% of which is devoted to .edu sites. Fuck this.

  3. God Damn that was Hilarous!!!how come MY NEWS channels arnt filled to the brim with irrational people from the entire spectrum of human idiocy… WHY???!

  4. Welcome to OaklandWelcome to Oakland, CA. I lived there for a year and can say with some authority this kind of shit is all too common. Sideshows, acid-washed jeans making a comeback, fucking packs of wild dogs roaming the streets; I’ve seen it all in the East Bay. I used to think riding the MUNI metro to work was bad, until I had to start taking the AC Transit 65 and 46A. Now that’s some ghetto shit.BTW: Cats like Bubb Rubb and Lil’ Sis are the reason I always crossed the bay bridge to go see a movie. Image those fuckers drunk trying to sit still through two hours of moving picture. Shit just ain’t going to happen.

  5. ALL ABOUT THE WHOOT WHOOOOOIts decaration… a sound decaration……WHOOOOTT… oh btw lets blast through that stop sign and let the cops know we are coming. And that mechanic forgot to say if thier broke ass dont come in with foodstamps I’ll put it in thier car… BTW pops nice station wagon.. WHOOOT

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