It’s Dangerous To Go Alone. Take This!

Here’s the ending to the abysmal CD-i game, Link: The Faces of Evil. Sweet Jesus, I get mad just watching the twitchy movements. I want to throw a controller that I’m not even holding.

More Zelda goodness:

  • Link: Faces of Evil Intro – Every bit as bad as the ending. Link’s a fucking pushy guy, he’s got less game than Steve Urkel on a bad hair day.
  • Crazy Zelda Commercial – Why this would make anyone want to play any game, ever, I’ll never know. It does make me a little horny though, is that bad?
  • Zelda CD-I: Wand of Camelon ending – Oh sweet Jesus. I like the one shot/one kill final boss though. They were probably amazed that anyone was even still playing this piece of shit, so why not let them finish as quickly as possible?

    Oh, and the intro is also a treasure.

  • Zelda Cartoon: Episode 12 – I bought these on DVD awhile back. I remember Friday being the shiznight, because the normal Super Mario Bros. cartoon was replaced with Zelda, my once a week treat for enduring 5 days of school.
  • Zelda Pron – ….you know you’re going to look, you sick fuck.

Grumble Grumble, bitches.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. WHAT THE HELL?OH. MY. LORD. THAT IS HORRIBLE.#*)*@%)#@*$)(#*I feel like I need to blow my brains out now.

  2. subject lines are gayThat dude spends way too much time saving his girlfriend. He should get a new, unstealable one.

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