It’s Been A Hard Day’s Night, I Should Be Sleeping Like A ‘This’…

The sun’s rising, and so it is time for me to hang up my webmasterin’ guns and take a siesta. But thanks to my newfound dietary regiment of caffeine pills and Bic White-Out, I’ll only need 1.25 hours of sleep before I’m up and ready to work on my next piece of savory web deliciousness. Or, I’ll wake up ready to murder and stumble into a bowl of Fruity Pebbles while collapsing in front of the television for a few hours, but hey, that’s the life of an independent contractor for you. Constantly on the go. …Shoot me now.

Or, save a bullet for someone more deserving, like say, a guy who would believe that a street magician turned him invisible and started robbing banks… then got his ass kicked. It’s really just too good to be bullshit my friends. See for yourself:

Customers at a Tehran bank quickly overpowered the deluded robber after he started snatching banknotes from their hands.

Appearing in court, the repentant thief said he paid five million rials ($625) to a man who gave him some spells and told him to tie them to his arm to become invisible.

“I made a mistake. I understand now what a big trick was played on me,” the would-be bank robber was reported as telling the judge. His name was not given.

I’d like to tell a few select Dell spokesjackasses that they’re intangible like Kitty Pryde, and can easily wander through traffic without fear of suffering horribly dismembering consequences.

Something seems a little suspicious about this “street sorcerer” fellow though. I wonder who else he’s pulled this bullshit scheme on…

Invisibility rules! Now to go sucker punch whoever talked me into Goddamned 'Alien Ressurrection'

Nah. It wasn’t a street magician that conned Winona. It was good ol’ fashioned blow. Just like momma used to make.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.

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